Monday, February 1, 2010

Don't you just want to hug cat to bits

Well i dunno what came over me today but i am just gonna say some stuff abt a girl at my school who is just plain cool! (you see what i did there i rhymed yay). Well i just want to say that Cat is awesome and I think everyone wants to steal away a bit of Cat's personality (well at least i know annie wants to) and that sometimes she can be intimidative hanging out with the cool bunch and having a boyfriend and all but in the end she is still the shortie with the awesome fringe/3:38 and 56 train buddy that we love and know so well (sorta). Well yeah just wanted to thankyou and to let you know that we still appreaciate your kindness to us in the fact that you still talk to us and only give us the "talk to the hand" sometimes. I can only hope as time passes your 3:38 spirit will rise back to the surface and you will be more open to hugs so that annie will be oh so happy again. One can only hope.

From all of us on the 3:38 we say thankyou,

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