Monday, February 15, 2010

Plese follow and comment.

You know guys, the only way i know that you guys read my blog is if you follow and comment so im just gonna put it out there and say that if you do these things i will seriously love you! I love that some guys comment and i seriously do love reading your comments. they are really interesting. And they might also give me ideas for more posts. So yeah commenting is good and like i said my full appreciation will be sent to you if u comment. even if it is a bad comment on some of the bad things i wrote or bad spelling and punctuation, i still love comments. And another thing.
Dear followers,
You will now all receive 1 million dollars each for apperaing in my followers column. Your impressive dedication to my blog has now been rewarded with  this... well um reward.
Your sum of money has been placed into your bank accounts and if the deposit was faulty please dont complain. charges and conditions apply. contact your local optometrist for more details. Claimers get 140 percent of their next buy at paul's warehouse. that is all.



  1. Hey Glo you know that story I wrote it didn't work, so I wrote it again

    There's a poem too

    I'd like it if you read it

  2. hey! WASSUP.

    somehow my caps lock turned on when i wrote wassup. it was funny.

    anyway i'll see you tomorrow.

    p.s i hate swimming.

  3. I have yet to read anything besides this post.
    But nice layout!

    - Lamya
    Can't follow. Sorry. I'm not a blogspot member. I'm more livejournal.

  4. HIYA LAMYA! you are reading my blog! i feel so happy! yeah thats ok youre just gonna have to miss out on the cash then haha!
