Saturday, April 3, 2010

Movie review: the box

sorry havent been posting for a while. but its april! so yeah WOOT! and its holidays! woot! well i watched the box recently and i must say i had been wanting to watch it for a while. It was very good. but very confusing in some parts, very creepy, sorta scary and it had a very good moral. it was sad as well. I got a shock in the middle of it. like it went silent for a while and then... BOOOOOM! and loud music shocked me. yeah cameron diaz and james marsden are in it. they are really good. I love the plot! it is soooo good. I would have to give it a 9 out of 10. woot! here is the trailer just so you can have a little bit of a look for yourselves

What do you think?

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