Saturday, April 24, 2010

OMG!!!!!!!!!!! HE'S HERE!

OMG!!!!!!! I'M SCREAMING MY HEAD OFF! He's officially here in Sydney! omg omg omg im freaking out. I wanna go meet him but i don't think i will, considering how many other girls wanna meet him too!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhh. omg omg. he looks pretty cute coming out of sydney airport. haha. awwwwwwwww i really really wanna meet him. he is going to be at circular quay on monday and on sunrise as well. omg omg i wonder if i can go. im just scared that when i get there im gonna be trampled on and not gonna see him at all. So i don't know. If i don't go im gonna watch it all on sunrise. awwwwwwwww. i wanna get his autograph and a pic maybe. i wonder if they charge money for that. who cares! JUSTIN BIEBER!!!!!!!!!!! omg omg. here are 2 vids. One is the sunrise ad and the other is the music vid for never let you go. Annie somehow gained respect for him through the music vid. i think its ok. Anyways, really really really really really really wanna meet him!!!!!!! OMG OMG! ok i'll stop now.


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