Friday, April 23, 2010

Yayayayayaaayayayayayayayayayaya! b'day photos finally. yeah just some photos of when we went to the city a while ago. We went to Capitol to take cap photos then we went to market city and played at galaxy world for like an hour. That was really really fun. Got 100 tickets in the end (with the help of rach) and got a variety of things. I also versed rach and jessie in basketball and i managed somehow to win. oh and also jessie later won a jackpot on the wheel of fortune i think. freaking 300 tickets in one go. with the press of a button and the use of one token. yeah purely luck and.... precision. Next, I think we had lunch at Poporo (jap place) and it was okay i guess. i think everyone was full from getting  easyway. Then i think we went shopping yeah thats right. We sorta just split into two which was weird and then went off for hours in multiple shops. Everyone sorta went into Rubi all at the same time and it was like insane in there. We all ended up bringing green bags home because of rubi. So yeah. We did a lot of other things as well. umm.. then we went home and stuffed ourselves with junk (i didn't really). We did some stuff upstairs and then we watched 500 days of summer. It was a pretty god movie but the middle was a little boring but i think everyone loved the ending. it was sooooo cute! 8/10 i would say. And that was abt all. i was sooooo exhausted afterwards but it was fun.

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