Saturday, April 3, 2010

The boy in the striped pyjamas review

yep i have been watching a whole lot of movies lately. I watched the boy in the striped pyjamas yesterday. It was pretty good. very educational. and extremely extremely depressing. soooooo sad. nearly cried but didn't. some of the movie is sooo unbelievable like not in a lame bad way just sooo horrific like horrible but not like scary just horrid. the movie's mood it dull but it is meant to be. which is good. i liked it but i felt a little disturbed afterwards. it is actually a book i wanted to read but after i saw the movie i didnt really want to read it coz i think i would get depressed. gosh the young actor who played the 8 year old main character is sooooo talented. i wish i was that talented. the children actors were sooo good. asa butterfield is awesome. omg he is like 7days older than me. gosh he is good. here is the trailer.

its not that good quality but you can still here it so yeah,

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