Saturday, July 10, 2010

OMG OMG! So much to post!

Ok this is just a list to remind me of what i need to come back to post abt. I have been so caught up in watching... gossip girl lately(i know, i know old news or something i said to annie a couple of weeks ago blah blah blah) but i do have a heap of photos to make up for it. Hope you guys are enjoying the break from school and getting out there with friends and family.
  • Day with Viv - birthdays, badminton, eclipse(brief) and random quotes.
  • Eclipse - movie review and other movies (i need to find out the name of the guy who plays Riley. I reckon he's pretty cute)
  • Plans for other outings - where do you guys wanna go?
  • Jo's wedding (i think jessie posted already but oh well)
  • Last Day Of School/ Holidays so far - recaping events.
  • PEDULUM!!! (actually i'm not that obsessed with them anymore since everyone sorta hates them)
  • And Gossip Girl
10 million photos coming right up,

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