Saturday, July 31, 2010

New Blog

Well just letting you know that there is a new blog that I'm a part of that currently has no name. It's a group one so it probably has people posting on it more often and yeah it should be all fixed up in abt a week or so just adding stuff to it but we have already started posting quite a bit actually so yeah. I will continue writing on this one but maybe less frequently. Anyways click click click.---->

I'm also going to see Inception this Sunday with annie, jo, rach and probably amy too. It's going to be soooo exciting. Jo Lo has watched it already and she says it's really good so yeah i'm really looking forward to it. I'm going to bring my camera to maybe document some stuff abt the day and post it up afterwards. That is if there is anything interesting to document abt. There probably will be though since there is always something interesting that happens on an outing.

There has also bee a lot of sickness going around and that includes myself seeing as I got the flu and i'm still not sure if i'm fully recovered but i should be. Just wanna say get well soon to Annie coz i may have given the flu to her or she may have gotten it herself. Well she did say she wanted to get sick so she could skip school. I guess your wish came true. Anyways, hope you're feeling better and please for the love of fish (random) get at least 8 hours of sleep!


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