ok fine i lied... i can't be bothered to put up forster photos yet. i haven't even properly uploaded them yet so yeah... well full on k-pop/variety shows again this week. not much time now but i need to post about running man because it is possibly the best show i have ever seen! and also... SHINEE IS FREAKING COMING TO AUSTRALIA AN MORE SPECIFICALLY, SYDNEY!!!! town hall on the 12th of Jan and Dora and i are def going... i have to!! i have to!! omg omg all i want is to see taemin. there are going to be soo many people. not much info has been put out yet though... anyways on the lookout for tickets... did some more researching and i started liking CN Blue and Co-ed and i made a cd full of k-pop. also made a ranking list of the bands. hmm.. it is going to be hell next week. i sort of don't want to describe to anyone.. all i'm saying is that i'm going to the dentist... and i'm probably going to be in a lot of pain. already went today... it was scary but not scary compared to what is happening next week. oh well... so much on my mind. i wanna go shopping again. and i want to watch devil really really bad but it doesn't show in a cinema close by... aww. anyways have to go.. post abt running man coming soon.. oh and nearly forgot.. the vid is just the sweet potato couple singing banmal song i think. it is pretty nice. haha jokhun also made a song for their wives.. that was cute!
randomness to the core. actually the randomness sort of moved on...
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
i couldn't possibly not put this up!
ok so this is WGM "we got married" horror special... well it is part of it at least. loved this episode... so funny and kind of creepy. this bit mostly has seohyun in it though not much khuntoria but it is ok. not going to put up anymore eps because people might get annoyed at my overwhelming attention to all this korean nowadays. i should have a balanced obsession lifestyle haha. anyways, i soo couldn't not put it up because i loved it so much... hopefully i out up the right bit.. if i didn't then i will go back and change it. I will try and only talk about my Fortser trip next post to make things balanced.
Goodnight everyone... oh and can you believe it!!! 3 days till Christmas!!! so exciting!!! yayayay!!!,
i can't think of anything to say besides i'm still watching korean variety shows
i think i'm still thoroughly immersed in watching korean variety shows. i can't get enough and seeing as it is the beginning of the holidays, i have so much time on my hands. Basically spent the last two days on the computer watching a couple episodes of idol army 2pm and especially for today, watching WGM "we got married" with Nichkhun and Victoria. There was this one episode where Khuntoria went to the karaoke place and then it looked very very extremely familiar. Like i had totally seen this before and when i saw the tiara i was like yep i have watched this before. It was a time before i even started liking k-pop and korean stuff in general. actually it was a time when i sort of hated it. I think i remember watching it and thinking what the heck is this? and who are these people? well i guess i have changed. who would've thought...
Anyways, been obsessed with Nichkhun for obvious reasons. Taemin has sort of disappeared with the rest of SHINee even though they are still awesome. I think it is because 2pm has their own variety show and that way i can see them from a different perspective. I wonder if SHINee has their own variety show... besides their appearance on hello baby which was the first korean variety show i ever watched. gosh i like variety shows. i freaking love them!!! better than the american shows... i think. actually... hmmmm yea korean variety shows are better. i got bored of watching VD (oh and that bring me to another matter) so quickly... and i haven't even started PLL. Where as for WGM, my gosh i can't stop myself. watched like 15 eps today. Nichkhun is sooo cute omg i dunno ahhhhhhhhhhhh!! I see his face and i start smiling ok i'm going to change the topic before i bore some people.

Anyways, hope everyone is enjoying the start of the holidays and i hope all the people who are going to that Parramatta outing have a whole heap of fun shopping. Soo sorry i couldn't come... actually soooo sad i couldn't come. i really wanted to go shoe shopping. i want a pair of gladiators flats. i'm going to admit (wait i think i already did) ever since rach wore those black sparkly gladiators i have been very very jealous and i have wanted a pair ever since. now i see them everywhere and they call out to me "find me find me buy me buy buy buy buy buy" they call out. awwww... oh well.. have fun. i will just watch more WGM.
Going to see a couple of people i haven't seen for a while in a couple of days... maybe it will be a bit awkward but we always have fun in the end. old church friends...it was soo fun in the day. well at least it was fun for me. more importantly, i'm going to see viv very soon!!! yayayyayay! and before we didn't have anything in common because of my dislike in k-pop but now since i'm converted i reckon it is going to be way more awesome!! yayay!
Learning a bit of korean nowadays. i sort of have to because i'm watching so much. anyways anyways... i feel like i should put a video up. mabe next time plus some pictures from my forster trip. damn i want to go back and go beach clothes shopping. i can't believe i just walked past so many and didn't even go in. just looking longingly from outside. basically window shopping. gosh i hate window shopping.. it is sooo pointless. more into that another time... haha i feel good for posting so much.. i'm such a dedicated blogger... haha no i'm just lame haha.
i'll put up forster photos+videos (maybe) and probably a clip from WGM next time,
Monday, December 20, 2010
back from forster i guess
only realised i had been spelling forster wrong until i actually got there. um kinda tired right now. don't really feel like posting but i'm going to anyway because i don't want to forget anything.
forster was fun. though it wasn't one of those eventful holidays. it was more of a holiday to just relax and i mean seriously relax. we barely did anything besides drive around in the car and go sightseeing. Can't complain though since the views were really really nice. i watched the sunset from our apartment balcony three times. I did a lot of sleeping and watched the social network on my mp3 about 4 times. then my mp3 died and seeing as i always forget to bring something on holidays i forgot my charger but it didn't matter much. everything was kinda just smooth. as in whatever we found interesting we would take a look at. We went on a couple of walks which were nice and i took sooo many photos it filled up the entire memory space on my camera. felt really relaxed for a couple of days and now i'm not sure what i'm going to do for the rest of the holidays.
ah a short post,
Sunday, December 12, 2010
korean variety shows
A new term! vaiety show. saw it on a random site and thought it suited so now something like star golden bell can be classified as a korean variety show. Still watching it... though I have watched like one episode of star king and it wasn't as good so back to bell i went. that makes no sense haha. anyways, nearing the holidays...3 days left of school. Everything is basically done but can you believe it... I still have one assignment left and there are 3 days left!!! What is this!!???!! oh well shouldn't be too hard.
Oh and happy birthday to Simran!!!! Hope you and that grape vine guy(???) have a happy life together. i still don't know his name...
There is something wrong with me... I am pretty sure it is around 30 trillion degrees up in this compacted room and i'm and sitting here blogging with a black wollen jumper on and i can't be bothered to take it off! i can officially say i have taken my laziness to a whole new level.
and i probably agree. gosh i dunno why i laughed so hard. I also didn't know key was such a good dancer. I know Taemin is... that reminds me.. there is a video of taemin dancing like really really good but i might put that up another time...anyways, i have found a new side of key with his love of crazy dancing :)
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
hello baby then... oh and don't watch if korean stuff isn't your thing...
finished hello baby. it was shorter than i expected. should have gone on longer. oh well. it was really good. quite entertaining and highly addictive just like this next korean show thingo called star golden bell which sounds weird in english but it probably translated into something that makes sense in korean. anyways, couldn't pass this because it has not only the one and the... only SHINee!!!!! but also SNSD, KARA and 2PM!!! yayayayyyayay. omg omg it is sooo funny. One problem though, WHERE THE FREAK IS TAEMIN!!!! argh... oh well. onew is funny and so is minho. Goes for 8 parts so the rest should be shown at the end of the vid if you do proceed to the next vid. There is this one game they play which i don't get though. it goes really fast and yeah. well at least there are english subs.
went to that asian store in chinatown because i had to by a Kris Kringle present. the poster was out of stock so i got another on all while staring up in amazement at the price of the SHINee poster up the front. It was $25 and it was abt the size of the other posters that were $5 but i have to say it was magnificent. The poster sort of like called to people "Buy me... buy me.... i'm the best poster here and Taemin looks especially cute in this poster so...... buy me" yeah so much desire but i thought "no, you must not glo... maybe when you aren't as broke you can come back and buy it..." argh... it was so freaking awesome. well yeah sad now because i couldn't get shinee stuff but i suppose i wasn't there to buy stuff for myself so yeah.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
confession time
um yeah... it happened. sorta told jo i was on the brink of it and.. yeah.. i was right. sorta slid into the early stages of k-pop obsession. yeah... never thought it would happen but it did. i think that i knew it would happen eventually just didn't want it to happen yet so i sorta refused it a lot. i dunno what got into me. little by little. actually i can't say i like all k-pop yet. Shinee mostly. actually i just like Shinee and when i say Shinee i mean Taemin mostly. Actually i just mean Taemin all the way. nah Shinee is cool. had some trouble with the way it was said though. it was one of those automatic things. like how annie pronounces things weird. anyways, yayayay getting really immersed in it. i could feel it coming over me like every other obsession does. it creeps up on you and then BAM! yay k-pop freak. though i am sorta determined just to focus on Shinee. don't really want to venture anywhere else. This will be awesome for some people and for others maybe it will feel like betrayal haha. oh man i have ranks already. 1. Taemin forever and ever and ever. He is sooooo cute and just plain awesome. the rest just keep changing but right now it's 2. Key and Minho 3. Jonghyun 4. Onew it isn't that i don't like Onew he is really cool too but maybe just less cool than the others.They're all really funny too.
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haha onew |
Been watching hello baby constantly for the entire weekend and i think i finished it. i think. grace said it had 16 eps but didn't it end on ep 13 or so?? sorta forgot abt other shows like PLL and VD. can't be bothered really even though PPL sounds incredibly interesting. oh and sorry annie for trying to spoil it for you the other day. Still sorta wanna spoil it haha.
Moving on, it is december! and it is summer!! and the first day of summer sorta sucked. rain, rain and more rain but then it cleared up and it became really hot. weird weather. Anyways, i still haven't posted wishlist up on jarg'd and i don't plan to at the moment because of k-pop which is sucking the life out of everything that is not k-pop and especially shinee! Maybe i will put it up at the end of this coming week... maybe.
Fiona probanly doesn't even know my blog exists but "Fiona... how dare you leave so freaking early... you better bring back something awesome! haha jks... byeeee see you next year!"
ARRRRAGGGHHH i hate having freaking obsessions. they just take over my brain. it is incredibly annoying.
Counting down the days to Christmas.... need to buy prezzies but i can honestly say im kinda broke. hmm need to get lolita, evernight, b2st poster for kris kringle, cards & choc. who's getting VD and Merlin??? and we still need to ask what daphne and simran want??? DAPH PUT YOUR LIST UP!!!
Bananagrams wooot! yeah i have discovered that my friends are kinda pro at it. i think i may have started a bananagrams revolution at school... acutally maybe just in J.A.R.G'D. fun fun fun... taemin is running around my head like a crazed chook.
hmmmm... what else to say?? not much acutally... sorry for not posting lately.. sorry for probably not posting later on too.actually i might put up wishlist tomorrow or something... jarg'd is dying... oh and i might film everything on the last week of school and merge it all and post it up. something like that... video editing yay!
SHINEE SHINEE SHINEE!!! TAEMIN!!! omg taemin is such a freaking good dancer! ahhhh scream!
ok byeeeeeee,
Friday, November 26, 2010
i have been laughing my head off for hours
ok only recently after a series of things that led to one another i found good news week, a show i probably overlooked for way too long. gosh it is soo funny. almost as good as himym which is legendary. hmmm. well it all started when i watched the early christmas special of tayg and i went and looked up josh thomas for the 60 0000000th time on youtube and up came tayg stuff and one vid on gnw. looked and now i'm obsessed. not really. just really needing something that will make me crack up or laugh so hard i can't breathe. best part of gnw is definitely "so you think you can mime" omg this one is particularly funny. beacon? pardon? beacon? anyways, also came across the umbilical brothers which i recognised from the upside down show which was incredibly entertaining and they did the segment and it was brilliant so here are some of my favourite "so you think you can mime" segments on gnw. also warning you that some of these vids are really long but i reckon they're all worth it stick to the end. the ends are usually the funniest. and then some random but awesome umbilical brothers' skits.... actually maybe i will save them for later. feels like i'm overloading everyone with a tonne of vids. anyways, urgh it is sooooo freaking hot. laser tag tomorrow i think... yayayay. now back to laughing my head off.
bananagrams... the light that fills the room,
Sunday, November 21, 2010
ok so here is the trailer which i saw during the ads before i watched hp 7 part 1. It is called devil and i dunno what caught my eye about this movie... actually i do. Well first of all some of the people looked familiar and then the whole upside down writing thingo reminded me of inception so i kept watching. Music was good. I also like the constant sound of the elevator. It is horror... as if you couldn't tell and then i immediately thought two things. 1. YES! SOMETHING I CAN GET A REAL THRILL OUT OF! WOOT GO HORROR! and
2. OMG! Jessie probably going to want to watch this!
Hmmm... i dunno abt you but i think the whole elevator setting is kinda awesome for a horror movie. It is so compacted and that way you can explore what an elevator is really like inside and outside... i dunno it is creepy. The mirrors in the elevator are cool too.
Another thing was that it reminded me of joanne. Well not that she was the devil haha more like what she told me before. i don't think she likes elevators. She most definitely would prefer to take the stairs. Almost always. haha kinda weird. Great movie for jo.
I remember turning to annie before the trailer ended and saying "i'm sssssoo going to watch that" then she said something like "M.NIGHT SHYAMALAN" with some fustrated hand movements. yeah he directed airbender which even though i haven't watched it sucks. but still.. he did do the sixth sense. still... devil looks good... heard that it was predictable though.
Don't know what has gotten into me this year but i really want to see a tonne of horror films. all except saw which is kinda out of my reach and depth.
Kinda sad that i read the comments because i sorta accidentally read one that spoiled the whole thing for me. even though it said spoiler alert i kinda missed it and kept reading and now. damn. well still want to watch it.
Anyways, hoped you liked the trailer :)
It comes out on 2nd Dec this year which is like soon... that's according to imdb.
urghh sorry
ummm sorry i haven't been posting. been way overdue and i had so much to post abt yet i didn't. Well i might briefly scan some of the things that have happened and like expand on it later in other posts.
- Well um went shopping ages ago and got some stuff that i wanted like months ago. Still have some things i have to get but yeah. got a new pair of jeans from just jeans which was good considering i have had the same pairs of jeans for a long long time.
- Speaking of shopping, annie, jo and i went shopping recently and yeah we sorta wandered everywhere and went back and forth between k-mart and target before target closed. Can't say much until monday coz it's a secret but i what i can say is that i failed to buy more of that aloe vera drink that i was craving.
- As you may already know, i sorta read the first 3 books of harry potter a long time ago and then i tried to read the forth....and i sorta died on the 8th page. yeah i know i suck... but only compared to my die-hard hp friends. actually maybe not die-hard more like obsessive. Well i watch the second, forth and sixth movie before i tried to read hp 4 again and i couldn't. I did try again recently because of the movie that was coming out but yeah it was impossible so basically i skipped the fourth and got annie to tell me what happened in fifth while we were walking to our bikes. Yeah i nearly fainted when i saw the size of fifth. Sorta gave up upon seeing it. So i started 6th about one and a half weeks ago and it was pretty good but i sorta struggled with finding time to read it so i read like 15 to 30 pages a night because i only usually started reading at 11:30. Well i still haven't finished but i'm close to and compared to my 8th page record on 4th i'm pretty happy. Anyways.... moving on to the next point wow this one was long.
- Actually stuff it. i hate long dot points. here is the previous point summarised:
- Have started reading harry potter again. failed at reading the 4th book multiple times and the fifth looked to long so annie explained it to me. I then started to read 6th and it was pretty good but didn't have much time so i read bits every night. still haven't finished but i'm close... that's much better.
- ok moving on from moving on... went to watch the 1st part of the last installment with annie and jo (yeah the three of us like go everywhere together...) annie sat in the middle and her reactions were quite funny to watch. Annie cried... well duh. Joanne said she was tearful whereas i, being the heartless one, just felt a little sad. It was quite a good movie. Probably and 8.55 out of 10. Some bits were funny and we walked out pretty happy with the movie. oh and we also saw kristen weirdly enough.
- during the ads before the movie started the trailer for a movie called devil showed up and it looks.... FREAKING AWESOME! i'm going to put up the trailer here soon so yeah but i'm totally going to go see it unless it is like MA then i have no choice but to sneak in or break in. it looks really really good.
- it was my dad's b'day yesterday... i don't he was very enthusiastic abt it all but he did have the power to choose where we went for breakfast, lunch and
afternoon teadinner. For breakfast i think we didn't really have a choice but to stay at home because i was still asleep and josh had chinese school. We went and had yum cha... yeah... at hurstville...yeah.....we ate overnight breadsticks.... yeah....uh.... it was ok.... We were originally going to have jap and then going to eat chinese desserts at Campsie but instead we ate at a chinese restaurant at bev. not that that was bad or anything it was pretty good but i think i was really looking forward to having octopus... yeah that's right i eat octopus... live... um that last bit was a lie. - arrrrghhh that was a long point.. oh who cares.
- i know it isn't christmas yet but i know people who are leaving early overseas... JOANNE IS GOING TO FREAKING AMERICA! oh well. I sorta want to know what you guys actually want. that is if i don't know already. Well anyways, i thought our class wasn't doing kris kringle but i thought wrong. Anyways... the whole sl... um... elf costume thing... um yeah... anyways.. tell me what you want :)
- oh in another post i'm going to show you like a magician perosn who my dad is obsessed with. he is asian but he is like pro. anyways, won't give away much until then.
- Is anyone watching beauty and the geek or is that just me and daph. Well anyways kinda love the show. If anyone does watch... well omg what the freak is daniel doing on the show he looks like a freaking male model ahhhhh. definitely not a geek. Oh and how Tamika makes me crack up.
I'll save the rest for later and sorry again for not posting. the devil trailer is coming right up. ah and yes reports are done but haven't got them back yet obviously... shooot i need to get ready.. still in my pjs and my hair looks like i came out of a hurricane. oh and yeesss one more thing... i might be getting bananagrams today from jolo yayayyayay then we can play it on monday.... monday is gonna be awesome isn't it rach? :)
ps: this is rach coloured hope you can read it...
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Let Me In
On Friday morning, Jo, Annie and I were having some kind of conversation about movies. More specifically i think we were talking about horror films because i was moaning about how the loved ones posters were everywhere and tempting me to go watch it even though it is like MA and stuff. I think we also passed another one of the gruesome posters with the prom girl holding a syringe. I like describing what the movie is about to people who have no idea what it is yet. The look on their faces is funny. "Then the girl is holding a hand drill and is about to drill is thorugh his foreh..." hahaha. ok i guess it is freaky. I can't remember how we got into the topic Chole Moretz but i think i said her last name wrong and i said how she was really good in kick ass. Well anyways, annie said something like she was in another film that was horror based and she said it was called let me in or something and briefly told jo and i the plot and i decided to check it out because of curiosity blah blah blah. it was kinda easy to find. Here's the trailer. something abt a boy who lives next to a vampire abt the same age as him hmmm. i dunno if i wanna see it. it looks average. i think it is because i wanna see the loved ones more. Well anyways have a look.
Friday, November 5, 2010
New Nigahiga Vid
hahahaha ok the best bit hands down was the car scene with justin bieber. haha that was genius. Anyways i posted on jarg'd which is the new name for the group blog and i made a vid featuring annie actually the whole thing has annie in it... the video is well... annie. Anyways, thought i'd post here considering i haven't for a while. I would also like to confess that i have reached down into my soul and i mean deep deep into my soul and found a little bit of me that would tolerate k-pop. ok fine i admit it... it is hard to say this. im in such denial but k-pop actually isn't that ba... ok i take that all back urrrrghh no offence but urggh k-pop is sooo ba... ok i'm going to shut it before viv kills me. Hope this colour isn't too hard to read off a white background because i quite like it. It reminds me of frankie and also a top i used to have that i shredded in a shredder.urgh did i spell that right?
BROMANCE! (epic sounds...)
GlennyWednesday, October 27, 2010
Justin Bieber Movie Trailer! Lol...
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!! ok hmmmm... i think i'm going to watch it just for the sake of watching it and maybe laughing at the end. Yearly week almost over... maths and french speaking and then.... FREEDOM! until then... i dunno. just enjoy this for now and make fun of it all you want. Yay it is nearly halloween. Rach wants to have a halloween celebration and i agree!!
Purple for Justin,
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Papa, can you hear me?
Well i bet you may have already seen this from yesterday's episode of glee but something made me want to go watch it again. I dunno it is just such and epic song that is sung sooo freaking good. Yeah I can totally see Lea Michele and her theatre and the last note is just divine. Like you are just waiting for her to hit that note and it is perfect. Freak... the intro is so good as well. The ascending and descending is incredible. I don't know... maybe it is one of my favourite glee songs of all time. AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGHH! YEARLIES NEXT WEEK!
Oh and look, this post is in school colours,
Monday, October 18, 2010
ok just because i feel like it i'm going to post just abt random stuff.
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haha it says nick but i thought you couldn't use names?? |
well firstly, dad told me that people were coming over for dinner tonight from church and i was curious as to who and then i found out it was like ben's parents and tim and tom's parent and other parents and i was... oh. so yeah not that that was interesting or anything but i dunno... at least mum made extra nice food. Speaking of food... i'm getting fat. no no i'm serious. urgh. u no what. i going to stop freaking eating. actually i can't. urrgh i have to do something. ok i will proportion my food. I will only eat a little for breakfast (aha i already do that), not going to bring recess so i have nothing to eat then and for lunch i'm going to eat half of what i usually eat, for afternoon tea i'm going to provide myself only 5 minutes to stuff whatever into my mouth and after that i can't eat anything till dinner which i will say is only going to be a small bowl of rice, nothing else after that besides water. yes and i'm going to ask my parents if i can go out of the house on saturday mornings for like a jog and come back considering i have the house keys. dad was also thinking abt getting up at like 6am on a sunday morning to go swimming and i said well maybe every sunday fornight and he agreed and so yeah. There will obviously be complications though. For example waking up at 6 really isn't my thing. I'm more of a sleep at 1 pm and wake up at 11am the next day kinda girl. yes i love the nightlife. the sound of cicadas is truly interesting..haha. speaking of nightlife oh wait i should really try and conclude on my original topic. well yeah doing all that so that i won't... acutally i'm just annoying myself. i can't resist temps. annie had free cheesecake and i couldn't stop eating. it was nice oh gosh. urgh. my balloon popped on the train today and i was sad. i named it horchata after the song by vampire weekend that annie is obsessed abt. Jolo said she would get me banagrams which is good. It is quite an awesome game. I sorta miss just doing random stuff at church coz i always leave early. feel like i'm missing out on something. not quite sure what it is though. i want to relive the day i had coffee at this nice seaside cafe and the sky was like the bluest blue in the world. that was a really nice day. tired. we had a change of timetables at school and things were a little bit wacko but we managed. starting to like Ji-Yoon. we played the game where i say a word and you have to say the first word that pops into your head. gosh i think i was a little hyper during lunch. well anyways, i took all the cds out of my car and josh started complaining because he really liked listening to the mix cd that viv made me which is called "the ultimate asian cd" which isn't really that asian coz she accidentally put a lady gaga song on it. can't believe josh likes korean music. urgh. oh oh oh i bought frankie magazine and then i found out afterwards that the next
issue would come out in 3 days and i had stupidly bought the old one. yes how very stupid of me.well it was a pretty good issue. frankie sorta suits me more. less celeb rubbish and crazy fashion news and more good interesting articles. since we are on the topic of reading i might as well add that (if i haven't already mentioned this which i have a feeling i have) paper towns is a book i have read recently and i recommend it obviously because it is a very good book. yes i have said this before oh well. it is by john green a really cool guy who also vlogs. um... stick it is on go tonight and i'm sad because i don't have go and i want to watch stick it even though i watched it in the movies ages ago.

yearlies next week. i have to get started on studying and i think everyone thinks that this week is the appropriate time to start stressing and actually revising. i better get with the program. very tired now. i'm actually not quite sure if anyone is actually bothered to read my full posts considering they are so dreadfully long which is why i hoped the pictures would ease the pain.
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waffle shoes |
They were handing out mini cheesecake things at central today and there was this massive crowd so i decided not to get it because the train was coming and i would surely be squashed like a bug if i went into that chaotic scene. still haven't completed my english essay which was like due so long ago i can't even remember. waffles. i like them a lot. who doesn't?
there was a great article in frankie on how there is always a hero and a freaking scared person when it comes to killing arachnids. i'm definitely the freaking scared person in every situation.
on that weird and random note,
Saturday, October 16, 2010
well i procrastinated again today which is definitely not suprising considering it is a saturday and i'm like the laziest person on the face of the earth. i had previously watched one vid of the tales of mere existence series and it wasn't very good so i ditched it. today however by pure fate, i searched up procrastination on google because i dunno i was procrastinating and i was in a pretty deep state of it too and i clicked on video called procrastination which popped up. it was one of the tales of mere existence videos and i soon became highly addicted even though i didn't know it yet. I watched three or so and said after this fourth one i was going to stop but of course... i didn't which is also definitely not suprising considering i have no self control whatsoever... apart from food related self control. Anyways, in the end i watched every single video of every series of tales of mere existence and it totally wasted my afternoon. Decided i should at least post some up considering i was curious as to what you guys think abt them and also if it was worth my entire Saturday afternoon. I certainly hope you get addicted too so that i won't feel like the only laziest person on the face of the earth. That way, we can hang out and watch all the videos of tales of mere existence again next Saturday and waste our entire afternoons once again. ok enough with my jibber jabber, these are two of my favourites. I like how the narrator is monotone yet not to a boring extent. It is kinda clever. It makes his videos funny and interesting. Ok i'm going to go and do something productive... aka: more procrastination.
PS: thanks to JoLo for just spending the time this morning to hang out and talk. That certainly wasn't a waste of time.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
for viv sorry i was a little late
viviviivviviviiviviviiviviv. still wondering why you found this quite as interesting as you found it... oh well if that was wanted then your wish is my command. here it is. btw are you ditching your blog? i hope not. you do realise that you were the one who influenced me to blog in the first place. don't abandon such a great place beside from all the k-pop videos. haha. um yeah btw how are things over there? how is aaron? does he still love me or has he found another girl to replace me because our long distance relationship really isn't working as we had planned. haha jks. um i'm actually not sure if you still read my blog or not so... oh well here is your request planted in full to be on my blog forever. urrrrghh can't believe i putting up k-pop haha.
oh and cbox me something... anything!
drafted but yeah my coldplay coma
An old video of coldplay in 2003. it was just the comment that was beneath that sorta struck me.
"im sure coldplay got really famous after Viva la Vida.
but the true fans are the ones who still feel like crying when they listen to The Scientist or Yellow."
which is completely and utterly true. yeah i can tell coldplay is one of my favourites just because they keep dragging me in witht their emotionally deep songs. joanne how did you fall out of love with coldplay. they're phenonmenal!
Obviously one of the things to do before i die is go see them in concert. How could I not.
nearly cried while listening to in my place today.
rush of blood is also a great song but i think
right now my favourite is god put a smile upon your face.
yes i am deep in a coldplay coma
for those who are bothered to read my babbling.
haha just realised not only is it the last week but also the last day of the holidays!
ok i'm going to try to be serious here.
making a list for myself as to what is happening.
ok... does anyone think kevjumba dad is kinda awesome?
that wasn't related at all ummm anyways urrrrrrrghhhhh
i'm annoying myself now.
Glenny: urgh quit bugging me.
anyways, last day and i still haven't gone shopping.
the only thing i wanted these holidays was to get a new pair of jeans.
that light greyish blue colour.
yeah i see that a lot.
i think i only really started wanting it because i saw kristen wear it and
... i dunno.
freak i want them so bad.
i want to watch 10 things i hate abt you
even though jgl obsession has gone.
tropic thunder
another thing i wanna watch.
hmmm umm since i went to manly, geekily dad showed us to the manly library.
haha out of all the places in manly he shows us the library.
anyways he says he likes to come to the library and have a nap.
sleeping is like the new reading.
well since i was there i searched for fearless and found it.
the authors name is tim lott and i started thinking about how lott was quite a good surname.
well i liked it at least.
anything is better than yam.
i don't even like yam
haha i'm not sure i even know what it is
is it some kind of taro, or mabye it is something completely different.
btw yang's name on msn is yam and next to it is an arrow. haha
i'm stricken with sadeness i didn't even get to see vivian once these holidays.
awwwwwwww i barely ever get to see her.
oh and i think this should be going on subject to change considering im not actually posting a video.
on the subject of videos...
two things
charlie barely ever posts and i only just realised after endless times of waiting.
how in the world did sam d see my video?
how did you show him jessie?!
through the links on your blog?
omg i hope not.
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nononononononoo!
oh well. i think he liked it.
looking back at it i feel embarrased.
Glo: gosh glenny stop freaking doubting yourself.
Glenny: oh go back to whatever you were doing before and stop bugging me.
oh i have been in a deep coldplay coma for the last 3 days.
i would sit on my bed with my earphones in listening and bopping and miming my head off for hours on end.
i vowed that someday i had to see them in concert.
i also found out another thing.
music is one of the ways to my heart.
as in if you love the same music as me.
take for example... michelle. seriously with one sentence which was " i love pendulum" she was lit up by a beam of light and well given wings that could lift her high into the sky.
but my pendulum thing has calmed down even though they are in syd this nov i'm probably not going to see them.
oh well.. more exciting news though.
the script are going to be in syd for one day
and just by coincidence that day is exactly my birthday
once i found this out i freaked and told eileen
then she freaked and we discussed for like a long long time
then we came to the conclusion that we couldn't miss it and we absolutely had to go
considering we missed out this time
so i asked mum and she said yes and so i freaked again
and now i'm asking anyone who would like to come.
obviously you need permission and also to consider the price.
um well yea deadline is by mon which is tomoz haha but i think tues uh i dunno we will see.
well we are buying tix on tues so yeah
eileen, me, annie, chen um maybe lamya are coming but i dunno
nothing is really settled yet but yeah if you wanna come cbox it.
yayayayayayaay concerts!!
my vids are dying.
um what else.
oh i am now quite pro at making muffins
ggrrrrrrooooooannnn drama day this coming thurs. we are sorta screwed.
alice isn't back until the day before!!!
uuuuuurrrrrrghh haven't even learnt my lines.
hmm i should stop complaining. lets be optimistic.
what are some of the good things.
i got 10 bucks for my efforts last week.
how fail am i.
wait that's another bad thing.
seriously i need to call over joanne.
i can't think of anything good.
tony called the outing off.
have not had a house outing either.
missed out on ice-skating and movie.
didn't wash my hair yesterday night.
bad... haha.
um though i reckon dora would think that is a good thing.
oh i just thought of two good things.
firstly, my new watch the one i hated because it didn't show the date now shows the date. dunno how it changed but it did.
and fearless is quite a good book with very cool quotes.
my nails might have now beaten my previous record.
seriously scary.
had a dream yesterday night.
actually it was more of a nightmare.
it was provoked by what i saw yesterday at my grandmas'
we went to her house to collect the mail because she doesn't live there anymore and we went inside and there were dead bees, cockcroaches, flies and other bugs lying on their backs everywhere. omg it freaked the beep out of me. uuuurrrghhh it was so gross. oh i just remembered something i left out of the camp recount. there was this massive spider on the ceiling and arrrrrghh gosh if it moved closer to us or if it went onto the floor i swear i would have had a heart attack. it was right above darren and above sam w too but he didn't notice until like afterwards.
um don't know how i feel about having school tomorrow. dad was asking me questions in the car abt if i was ready as if it was exam week or something.
oh another good thing.
because my coldplay coma i can now play the intro to both clocks and trouble on the piano.
trouble has a beautiful intro.
fell in love with it actually.
yeah i'm just trying to get everything out into this post.
i'm ditching twitter.
just can't be bothered.
the hello kitty ornament thingo keeps staring me down. it is kinda creepy.
wanted to play the msn version of uno with yang but something inside my head told me to stop and not do it.
so i didn't and now i feel bad. haven't talked to yang in a while.
gosh i haven't talked to julian in a while either.
i have this tendency to add and then forget. so i don't really talk afterwards.
i feel like i should bludge but my alarm is in panic mode.
i still have two days this my first presentation so...
yeah. why is there a peg in the comp room?
it is out of place just like the cauliflower is sitting on my dresser.
ok i'm going to stop babbling.
actually maybe not yet
annie i need mockingjay back and also your essay is amazing!
rach.. i wanna see your camp vid so bad!! : )
jo: do you wanna do something rebel on the first day back?
like maybe flick water at the bathroom mirrors? or spam everyones email with lost messages? or talk extra loud in the library?
ok that's enough from me.
one more thing for church people (which might be removed later)
nikki chan or dora chan or jessie chan?
ok time for me to seriously shut up,
: )
ok i'm going to try to be serious here.
making a list for myself as to what is happening.
ok... does anyone think kevjumba dad is kinda awesome?
that wasn't related at all ummm anyways urrrrrrrghhhhh
i'm annoying myself now.
Glenny: urgh quit bugging me.
anyways, last day and i still haven't gone shopping.
the only thing i wanted these holidays was to get a new pair of jeans.
that light greyish blue colour.
yeah i see that a lot.
i think i only really started wanting it because i saw kristen wear it and
... i dunno.
freak i want them so bad.
i want to watch 10 things i hate abt you
even though jgl obsession has gone.
tropic thunder
another thing i wanna watch.
hmmm umm since i went to manly, geekily dad showed us to the manly library.
haha out of all the places in manly he shows us the library.
anyways he says he likes to come to the library and have a nap.
sleeping is like the new reading.
well since i was there i searched for fearless and found it.
the authors name is tim lott and i started thinking about how lott was quite a good surname.
well i liked it at least.
anything is better than yam.
i don't even like yam
haha i'm not sure i even know what it is
is it some kind of taro, or mabye it is something completely different.
btw yang's name on msn is yam and next to it is an arrow. haha
i'm stricken with sadeness i didn't even get to see vivian once these holidays.
awwwwwwww i barely ever get to see her.
oh and i think this should be going on subject to change considering im not actually posting a video.
on the subject of videos...
two things
charlie barely ever posts and i only just realised after endless times of waiting.
how in the world did sam d see my video?
how did you show him jessie?!
through the links on your blog?
omg i hope not.
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nononononononoo!
oh well. i think he liked it.
looking back at it i feel embarrased.
Glo: gosh glenny stop freaking doubting yourself.
Glenny: oh go back to whatever you were doing before and stop bugging me.
oh i have been in a deep coldplay coma for the last 3 days.
i would sit on my bed with my earphones in listening and bopping and miming my head off for hours on end.
i vowed that someday i had to see them in concert.
i also found out another thing.
music is one of the ways to my heart.
as in if you love the same music as me.
take for example... michelle. seriously with one sentence which was " i love pendulum" she was lit up by a beam of light and well given wings that could lift her high into the sky.
but my pendulum thing has calmed down even though they are in syd this nov i'm probably not going to see them.
oh well.. more exciting news though.
the script are going to be in syd for one day
and just by coincidence that day is exactly my birthday
once i found this out i freaked and told eileen
then she freaked and we discussed for like a long long time
then we came to the conclusion that we couldn't miss it and we absolutely had to go
considering we missed out this time
so i asked mum and she said yes and so i freaked again
and now i'm asking anyone who would like to come.
obviously you need permission and also to consider the price.
um well yea deadline is by mon which is tomoz haha but i think tues uh i dunno we will see.
well we are buying tix on tues so yeah
eileen, me, annie, chen um maybe lamya are coming but i dunno
nothing is really settled yet but yeah if you wanna come cbox it.
yayayayayayaay concerts!!
my vids are dying.
um what else.
oh i am now quite pro at making muffins
ggrrrrrrooooooannnn drama day this coming thurs. we are sorta screwed.
alice isn't back until the day before!!!
uuuuuurrrrrrghh haven't even learnt my lines.
hmm i should stop complaining. lets be optimistic.
what are some of the good things.
i got 10 bucks for my efforts last week.
how fail am i.
wait that's another bad thing.
seriously i need to call over joanne.
i can't think of anything good.
tony called the outing off.
have not had a house outing either.
missed out on ice-skating and movie.
didn't wash my hair yesterday night.
bad... haha.
um though i reckon dora would think that is a good thing.
oh i just thought of two good things.
firstly, my new watch the one i hated because it didn't show the date now shows the date. dunno how it changed but it did.
and fearless is quite a good book with very cool quotes.
my nails might have now beaten my previous record.
seriously scary.
had a dream yesterday night.
actually it was more of a nightmare.
it was provoked by what i saw yesterday at my grandmas'
we went to her house to collect the mail because she doesn't live there anymore and we went inside and there were dead bees, cockcroaches, flies and other bugs lying on their backs everywhere. omg it freaked the beep out of me. uuuurrrghhh it was so gross. oh i just remembered something i left out of the camp recount. there was this massive spider on the ceiling and arrrrrghh gosh if it moved closer to us or if it went onto the floor i swear i would have had a heart attack. it was right above darren and above sam w too but he didn't notice until like afterwards.
um don't know how i feel about having school tomorrow. dad was asking me questions in the car abt if i was ready as if it was exam week or something.
oh another good thing.
because my coldplay coma i can now play the intro to both clocks and trouble on the piano.
trouble has a beautiful intro.
fell in love with it actually.
yeah i'm just trying to get everything out into this post.
i'm ditching twitter.
just can't be bothered.
the hello kitty ornament thingo keeps staring me down. it is kinda creepy.
wanted to play the msn version of uno with yang but something inside my head told me to stop and not do it.
so i didn't and now i feel bad. haven't talked to yang in a while.
gosh i haven't talked to julian in a while either.
i have this tendency to add and then forget. so i don't really talk afterwards.
i feel like i should bludge but my alarm is in panic mode.
i still have two days this my first presentation so...
yeah. why is there a peg in the comp room?
it is out of place just like the cauliflower is sitting on my dresser.
ok i'm going to stop babbling.
actually maybe not yet
annie i need mockingjay back and also your essay is amazing!
rach.. i wanna see your camp vid so bad!! : )
jo: do you wanna do something rebel on the first day back?
like maybe flick water at the bathroom mirrors? or spam everyones email with lost messages? or talk extra loud in the library?
ok that's enough from me.
one more thing for church people (which might be removed later)
nikki chan or dora chan or jessie chan?
ok time for me to seriously shut up,
: )
mash is random
hahgfsahdhfheohfeoffvjblsbklvaowefi. i feel kinda wacko today.
but i feel like blogging too.
it is the last week of the holidays.
don't the days just fly by.
i'm quite saddened that my time was filled by so much procrastination.
really need more self discipline.
i feel like mash.
actually i don't.
went to manly yesterday.
went to this place called ivanhoe.
we ate like $10 steak.
if you didn't know already...
i hate steak.
so i had the salmon instead.
i love salmon.
i love it all.
there was mash that came with it
and to be blunt...
it sucked.
so now i don't feel like mash.
i like my mum's mash though.
it is nice and creamy.
it is the best.
now i like mash again.
i feel like mash.
with gravy
but wait...
isn't that kind of fatty?
it probably is.
now i don't like mash again.
so that leaves me with the question...
do you like mash?
cbox it or something.
i dunno
that was random.
i sorta went off topic.
oh well.
does your mum make good mash?
another post coming. this just all came randomly,
but i feel like blogging too.
it is the last week of the holidays.
don't the days just fly by.
i'm quite saddened that my time was filled by so much procrastination.
really need more self discipline.
i feel like mash.
actually i don't.
went to manly yesterday.
went to this place called ivanhoe.
we ate like $10 steak.
if you didn't know already...
i hate steak.
so i had the salmon instead.
i love salmon.
i love it all.
there was mash that came with it
and to be blunt...
it sucked.
so now i don't feel like mash.
i like my mum's mash though.
it is nice and creamy.
it is the best.
now i like mash again.
i feel like mash.
with gravy
but wait...
isn't that kind of fatty?
it probably is.
now i don't like mash again.
so that leaves me with the question...
do you like mash?
cbox it or something.
i dunno
that was random.
i sorta went off topic.
oh well.
does your mum make good mash?
another post coming. this just all came randomly,
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Lego Camp Recount
Lego camp was exciting and fun and freaking awesome. if it is on next year i'm so going. um we did a heap of stuff. Here is a very brief list.
• played a heap of games including : jungle speed which i do feel guilty abt because i sorta attacked some people in the first game and yeah... sorry, um bang which is like a card game similar to mafia but more detailed and probably more fun and i would say sophisticated, ultimate frisbee (i'm not sure if you would consider caitlin and i actually playing, throughout most of the game we were just walking up and down the sideline), jenga haha felix made us lose oh well and a whole lot of ninja destruction which was quite hilarious to watch.
• we got given two lines to say in a conversation without anyone noticing they were our lines. caitlin got one of hers by me so easily i felt so stupid when she told me it was her line. i said it multiple times acutally. i tucked the sheet of paper with the lines on it into my pocket and totally forgot about it so i never actually used mine. one of my lines were really hard to say coz i don't thnk it would make sense coming from me.
• On the first night like late late at night we had like a movie night where we would get our sleeping bags, lay down and watch a movie on the ceiling. yeah jessie, dora and i hopped out like weirdos/ caterpillas into the hallish room and caitlin had an awkwardish position underneath jessie. we had to choose between pink panther 2, dark knight, and some others which weren't imp. pink panther won even though the dark knight is like 10 billion times more epic in my opinion. i wish watched a horror film like the loved ones or something. even the sixth sense would have been cool. well that's what jessie and i would have chosen. anyways, pink panther 2 was funny. i loved the pope bit.
• um we did like a masterchef comp thing on the second night and that was fun...ish. we actually went to coles and had to get our ingredients within a time limit and budget. quite interesting actually. we had to make pizza and darren had a couple of imaginative/outgoing ideas as to how we were going to plate up. i think we were going to make a colloseum at one point but in the end we ended up making a pile of suprisingly delicious pizza pieces and an odd mini mushroom shaped thing called abstract cabanossi only because there was no cabanossi on it at all. congrats to matt's team for winning with their mexican stand off pizza i think. certainly looked good. um yeah don't think eating pizza was such a good idea kinda felt sick afterwards.
• oh yeah and i forgot to add banagrams to the games list. yeah that was fun. played twice and won twice coz i'm that pro. nah i think it was just luck. don't know why but i think it was jessie, dora, james, nick and i who stayed up playing banagrams at 1 in the morning. i don't think we were that tired so yeah. i wished and wished to get a "l" and i got one. don't know how but i did. it was like magic. yeah the lack of sleep got to me on the second day during the morning. oh gosh i was soo tired. jessie was affected at night during sardines. haha she walked around like a zombie. so about 1:30am on the the first night and 3am on the second because of daylight savings. i don't know why i woke up at like 5:45am. that was pretty stupid. i don't think nick slept at all during the night which was quite amazing.
• after like a ten minute rest the others were like "LET'S GO ON A BUSHWALK! NOW! YAYAYAY! LET'S GO!" and so we went. it was awesome. i don't know if it was the thrill of going somewhere but i went sorta hyperish. we went to many lookouts to see the three sister and kept joking around abt if one of us were to fall off. actually that's a topic we shouldn't really be joking abt.... haha. um yeah we basically went everywhere and caitlin and i would randomly run off somewhere. that cliff place was the best. we did the lego thing which didn't turn out that well but it was still fun.
• meditated quite a bit. it is like sleeping but still keeping your posture. a nice way to relax.
• i don't think i participated in this but a lot of the other girls did. they would like steal something (eg. jessie's jacket) and hide it somewhere in the guys room. after a while they would steal something off a guy and hide it in our rooms or weirdly enough in the bathroom. i dunno.... weird. haha i did though like the way jessie was whining for dora to give her jacket back. that was worth watching.
• Brad's talks were great and a lot was learned about discipleship. Not only that but i found out that only a few of us had watched inception. shaaaammmee.. yeah must see movie.
• Oh and lastly something not really related but happy birthday to keith and garrick. it was their birthday yesterday and they went iceskating with lego ppl. soo sad that i couldn't come. mum had me locked in the house. so yeah just a happy birthday!
sam looks happy |
• the walk to campsite was tiring but we managed. yeah cold sweat feels horrid.
• played a heap of games including : jungle speed which i do feel guilty abt because i sorta attacked some people in the first game and yeah... sorry, um bang which is like a card game similar to mafia but more detailed and probably more fun and i would say sophisticated, ultimate frisbee (i'm not sure if you would consider caitlin and i actually playing, throughout most of the game we were just walking up and down the sideline), jenga haha felix made us lose oh well and a whole lot of ninja destruction which was quite hilarious to watch.
• Since that point was getting quite large i'm just continuing with another point... that staircase jumping game that dora made up which i was quite fail at (i can't believe martin got to 6th what the hek), mafia which we spent two whole hours playing on the train urgh i seriously couldn't concentrate my ears were constantly popping and it annoyed the hek out of me, those logic/riddle games like 12345 the key is in the past haha yeah..., around the world game thingo and my grandma likes blahh but but hates blah i didn't really like that one and um sardines which went on and on and on. man did that go on forever. still pretty fun though. Actually I don’t know if I can say it was fun because matt scared the hek out of Caitlin and I in one game. Gosh that wasn’t funny at all. glosticks were cool. would have been cooler if there was a purple one but unfortunately no. glosticks is what lambsticks calls me now. Sort of adjusting to it.
jessie sorta revealed who she was |
• slap game was weird coz i had to keep stopping coz i couldn't turn backwards or i would feel dizzy so i played and then stopped, played and then stopped. for some reason nick always did 4. and nobody did it since we knew he would do it ??? maybe he was just hoping someone would do it on the off chance. yeah dora slapped harder than i expected. While we played the slap game we also played spotto and usually sam would be on the look out for yellow cars and give his spottos to nick while caitlin would give hers to jessie. everytime a yellow car was spotted an erruption of noise would explode from the car. anyways, gold cars can be easily mistaken for being yellow. i had 2 spottos by the end of it and i gave one to jessie use against nick so i still have one left.
• we got given two lines to say in a conversation without anyone noticing they were our lines. caitlin got one of hers by me so easily i felt so stupid when she told me it was her line. i said it multiple times acutally. i tucked the sheet of paper with the lines on it into my pocket and totally forgot about it so i never actually used mine. one of my lines were really hard to say coz i don't thnk it would make sense coming from me.
• On the first night like late late at night we had like a movie night where we would get our sleeping bags, lay down and watch a movie on the ceiling. yeah jessie, dora and i hopped out like weirdos/ caterpillas into the hallish room and caitlin had an awkwardish position underneath jessie. we had to choose between pink panther 2, dark knight, and some others which weren't imp. pink panther won even though the dark knight is like 10 billion times more epic in my opinion. i wish watched a horror film like the loved ones or something. even the sixth sense would have been cool. well that's what jessie and i would have chosen. anyways, pink panther 2 was funny. i loved the pope bit.
• um we did like a masterchef comp thing on the second night and that was fun...ish. we actually went to coles and had to get our ingredients within a time limit and budget. quite interesting actually. we had to make pizza and darren had a couple of imaginative/outgoing ideas as to how we were going to plate up. i think we were going to make a colloseum at one point but in the end we ended up making a pile of suprisingly delicious pizza pieces and an odd mini mushroom shaped thing called abstract cabanossi only because there was no cabanossi on it at all. congrats to matt's team for winning with their mexican stand off pizza i think. certainly looked good. um yeah don't think eating pizza was such a good idea kinda felt sick afterwards.
• oh yeah and i forgot to add banagrams to the games list. yeah that was fun. played twice and won twice coz i'm that pro. nah i think it was just luck. don't know why but i think it was jessie, dora, james, nick and i who stayed up playing banagrams at 1 in the morning. i don't think we were that tired so yeah. i wished and wished to get a "l" and i got one. don't know how but i did. it was like magic. yeah the lack of sleep got to me on the second day during the morning. oh gosh i was soo tired. jessie was affected at night during sardines. haha she walked around like a zombie. so about 1:30am on the the first night and 3am on the second because of daylight savings. i don't know why i woke up at like 5:45am. that was pretty stupid. i don't think nick slept at all during the night which was quite amazing.
• after like a ten minute rest the others were like "LET'S GO ON A BUSHWALK! NOW! YAYAYAY! LET'S GO!" and so we went. it was awesome. i don't know if it was the thrill of going somewhere but i went sorta hyperish. we went to many lookouts to see the three sister and kept joking around abt if one of us were to fall off. actually that's a topic we shouldn't really be joking abt.... haha. um yeah we basically went everywhere and caitlin and i would randomly run off somewhere. that cliff place was the best. we did the lego thing which didn't turn out that well but it was still fun.
• meditated quite a bit. it is like sleeping but still keeping your posture. a nice way to relax.
• i don't think i participated in this but a lot of the other girls did. they would like steal something (eg. jessie's jacket) and hide it somewhere in the guys room. after a while they would steal something off a guy and hide it in our rooms or weirdly enough in the bathroom. i dunno.... weird. haha i did though like the way jessie was whining for dora to give her jacket back. that was worth watching.
• Brad's talks were great and a lot was learned about discipleship. Not only that but i found out that only a few of us had watched inception. shaaaammmee.. yeah must see movie.
Haha that wasn’t very brief at all. That was extrememly long. Oh well. I think I covered everything so yeah oh and my recount repeats a lot of dora and jessie’s recount. Camera ran out of batteries before we reached the campsite which was weird so i only got stuff from the train. most of it was random. now back to reality.
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Actually the clip is kinda well er... weird but something in my brain told me to trash all that stuff and then i started to laugh uncontrollably. one of the comments that got like 117 thumbs up wrote: