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haha it says nick but i thought you couldn't use names?? |
well firstly, dad told me that people were coming over for dinner tonight from church and i was curious as to who and then i found out it was like ben's parents and tim and tom's parent and other parents and i was... oh. so yeah not that that was interesting or anything but i dunno... at least mum made extra nice food. Speaking of food... i'm getting fat. no no i'm serious. urgh. u no what. i going to stop freaking eating. actually i can't. urrgh i have to do something. ok i will proportion my food. I will only eat a little for breakfast (aha i already do that), not going to bring recess so i have nothing to eat then and for lunch i'm going to eat half of what i usually eat, for afternoon tea i'm going to provide myself only 5 minutes to stuff whatever into my mouth and after that i can't eat anything till dinner which i will say is only going to be a small bowl of rice, nothing else after that besides water. yes and i'm going to ask my parents if i can go out of the house on saturday mornings for like a jog and come back considering i have the house keys. dad was also thinking abt getting up at like 6am on a sunday morning to go swimming and i said well maybe every sunday fornight and he agreed and so yeah. There will obviously be complications though. For example waking up at 6 really isn't my thing. I'm more of a sleep at 1 pm and wake up at 11am the next day kinda girl. yes i love the nightlife. the sound of cicadas is truly interesting..haha. speaking of nightlife oh wait i should really try and conclude on my original topic. well yeah doing all that so that i won't... acutally i'm just annoying myself. i can't resist temps. annie had free cheesecake and i couldn't stop eating. it was nice oh gosh. urgh. my balloon popped on the train today and i was sad. i named it horchata after the song by vampire weekend that annie is obsessed abt. Jolo said she would get me banagrams which is good. It is quite an awesome game. I sorta miss just doing random stuff at church coz i always leave early. feel like i'm missing out on something. not quite sure what it is though. i want to relive the day i had coffee at this nice seaside cafe and the sky was like the bluest blue in the world. that was a really nice day. tired. we had a change of timetables at school and things were a little bit wacko but we managed. starting to like Ji-Yoon. we played the game where i say a word and you have to say the first word that pops into your head. gosh i think i was a little hyper during lunch. well anyways, i took all the cds out of my car and josh started complaining because he really liked listening to the mix cd that viv made me which is called "the ultimate asian cd" which isn't really that asian coz she accidentally put a lady gaga song on it. can't believe josh likes korean music. urgh. oh oh oh i bought frankie magazine and then i found out afterwards that the next
issue would come out in 3 days and i had stupidly bought the old one. yes how very stupid of me.well it was a pretty good issue. frankie sorta suits me more. less celeb rubbish and crazy fashion news and more good interesting articles. since we are on the topic of reading i might as well add that (if i haven't already mentioned this which i have a feeling i have) paper towns is a book i have read recently and i recommend it obviously because it is a very good book. yes i have said this before oh well. it is by john green a really cool guy who also vlogs. um... stick it is on go tonight and i'm sad because i don't have go and i want to watch stick it even though i watched it in the movies ages ago.

yearlies next week. i have to get started on studying and i think everyone thinks that this week is the appropriate time to start stressing and actually revising. i better get with the program. very tired now. i'm actually not quite sure if anyone is actually bothered to read my full posts considering they are so dreadfully long which is why i hoped the pictures would ease the pain.
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waffle shoes |
They were handing out mini cheesecake things at central today and there was this massive crowd so i decided not to get it because the train was coming and i would surely be squashed like a bug if i went into that chaotic scene. still haven't completed my english essay which was like due so long ago i can't even remember. waffles. i like them a lot. who doesn't?
there was a great article in frankie on how there is always a hero and a freaking scared person when it comes to killing arachnids. i'm definitely the freaking scared person in every situation.
on that weird and random note,
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