Saturday, October 16, 2010

well i procrastinated again today which is definitely not suprising considering it is a saturday and i'm like the laziest person on the face of the earth. i had previously watched one vid of the tales of mere existence series and it wasn't very good so i ditched it. today however by pure fate, i searched up procrastination on google because i dunno i was procrastinating and i was in a pretty deep state of it too and i clicked on video called procrastination which popped up. it was one of the tales of mere existence videos and i soon became highly addicted even though i didn't know it yet. I watched three or so and said after this fourth one i was going to stop but of course... i didn't which is also definitely not suprising considering i have no self control whatsoever... apart from food related self control. Anyways, in the end i watched every single video of every series of tales of mere existence and it totally wasted my afternoon. Decided i should at least post some up considering i was curious as to what you guys think abt them and also if it was worth my entire Saturday afternoon. I certainly hope you get addicted too so that i won't feel like the only laziest person on the face of the earth. That way, we can hang out and watch all the videos of tales of mere existence again next Saturday and waste our entire afternoons once again. ok enough with my jibber jabber, these are two of my favourites. I like how the narrator is monotone yet not to a boring extent. It is kinda clever. It makes his videos funny and interesting. Ok i'm going to go and do something productive... aka: more procrastination.

PS: thanks to JoLo for just spending the time this morning to hang out and talk. That certainly wasn't a waste of time.

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