sam looks happy |
• the walk to campsite was tiring but we managed. yeah cold sweat feels horrid.
• played a heap of games including : jungle speed which i do feel guilty abt because i sorta attacked some people in the first game and yeah... sorry, um bang which is like a card game similar to mafia but more detailed and probably more fun and i would say sophisticated, ultimate frisbee (i'm not sure if you would consider caitlin and i actually playing, throughout most of the game we were just walking up and down the sideline), jenga haha felix made us lose oh well and a whole lot of ninja destruction which was quite hilarious to watch.
• Since that point was getting quite large i'm just continuing with another point... that staircase jumping game that dora made up which i was quite fail at (i can't believe martin got to 6th what the hek), mafia which we spent two whole hours playing on the train urgh i seriously couldn't concentrate my ears were constantly popping and it annoyed the hek out of me, those logic/riddle games like 12345 the key is in the past haha yeah..., around the world game thingo and my grandma likes blahh but but hates blah i didn't really like that one and um sardines which went on and on and on. man did that go on forever. still pretty fun though. Actually I don’t know if I can say it was fun because matt scared the hek out of Caitlin and I in one game. Gosh that wasn’t funny at all. glosticks were cool. would have been cooler if there was a purple one but unfortunately no. glosticks is what lambsticks calls me now. Sort of adjusting to it.
jessie sorta revealed who she was |
• slap game was weird coz i had to keep stopping coz i couldn't turn backwards or i would feel dizzy so i played and then stopped, played and then stopped. for some reason nick always did 4. and nobody did it since we knew he would do it ??? maybe he was just hoping someone would do it on the off chance. yeah dora slapped harder than i expected. While we played the slap game we also played spotto and usually sam would be on the look out for yellow cars and give his spottos to nick while caitlin would give hers to jessie. everytime a yellow car was spotted an erruption of noise would explode from the car. anyways, gold cars can be easily mistaken for being yellow. i had 2 spottos by the end of it and i gave one to jessie use against nick so i still have one left.
• we got given two lines to say in a conversation without anyone noticing they were our lines. caitlin got one of hers by me so easily i felt so stupid when she told me it was her line. i said it multiple times acutally. i tucked the sheet of paper with the lines on it into my pocket and totally forgot about it so i never actually used mine. one of my lines were really hard to say coz i don't thnk it would make sense coming from me.
• On the first night like late late at night we had like a movie night where we would get our sleeping bags, lay down and watch a movie on the ceiling. yeah jessie, dora and i hopped out like weirdos/ caterpillas into the hallish room and caitlin had an awkwardish position underneath jessie. we had to choose between pink panther 2, dark knight, and some others which weren't imp. pink panther won even though the dark knight is like 10 billion times more epic in my opinion. i wish watched a horror film like the loved ones or something. even the sixth sense would have been cool. well that's what jessie and i would have chosen. anyways, pink panther 2 was funny. i loved the pope bit.
• um we did like a masterchef comp thing on the second night and that was fun...ish. we actually went to coles and had to get our ingredients within a time limit and budget. quite interesting actually. we had to make pizza and darren had a couple of imaginative/outgoing ideas as to how we were going to plate up. i think we were going to make a colloseum at one point but in the end we ended up making a pile of suprisingly delicious pizza pieces and an odd mini mushroom shaped thing called abstract cabanossi only because there was no cabanossi on it at all. congrats to matt's team for winning with their mexican stand off pizza i think. certainly looked good. um yeah don't think eating pizza was such a good idea kinda felt sick afterwards.
• oh yeah and i forgot to add banagrams to the games list. yeah that was fun. played twice and won twice coz i'm that pro. nah i think it was just luck. don't know why but i think it was jessie, dora, james, nick and i who stayed up playing banagrams at 1 in the morning. i don't think we were that tired so yeah. i wished and wished to get a "l" and i got one. don't know how but i did. it was like magic. yeah the lack of sleep got to me on the second day during the morning. oh gosh i was soo tired. jessie was affected at night during sardines. haha she walked around like a zombie. so about 1:30am on the the first night and 3am on the second because of daylight savings. i don't know why i woke up at like 5:45am. that was pretty stupid. i don't think nick slept at all during the night which was quite amazing.
• after like a ten minute rest the others were like "LET'S GO ON A BUSHWALK! NOW! YAYAYAY! LET'S GO!" and so we went. it was awesome. i don't know if it was the thrill of going somewhere but i went sorta hyperish. we went to many lookouts to see the three sister and kept joking around abt if one of us were to fall off. actually that's a topic we shouldn't really be joking abt.... haha. um yeah we basically went everywhere and caitlin and i would randomly run off somewhere. that cliff place was the best. we did the lego thing which didn't turn out that well but it was still fun.
• meditated quite a bit. it is like sleeping but still keeping your posture. a nice way to relax.
• i don't think i participated in this but a lot of the other girls did. they would like steal something (eg. jessie's jacket) and hide it somewhere in the guys room. after a while they would steal something off a guy and hide it in our rooms or weirdly enough in the bathroom. i dunno.... weird. haha i did though like the way jessie was whining for dora to give her jacket back. that was worth watching.
• Brad's talks were great and a lot was learned about discipleship. Not only that but i found out that only a few of us had watched inception. shaaaammmee.. yeah must see movie.
Haha that wasn’t very brief at all. That was extrememly long. Oh well. I think I covered everything so yeah oh and my recount repeats a lot of dora and jessie’s recount. Camera ran out of batteries before we reached the campsite which was weird so i only got stuff from the train. most of it was random. now back to reality.
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