i think i'm still thoroughly immersed in watching korean variety shows. i can't get enough and seeing as it is the beginning of the holidays, i have so much time on my hands. Basically spent the last two days on the computer watching a couple episodes of idol army 2pm and especially for today, watching WGM "we got married" with Nichkhun and Victoria. There was this one episode where Khuntoria went to the karaoke place and then it looked very very extremely familiar. Like i had totally seen this before and when i saw the tiara i was like yep i have watched this before. It was a time before i even started liking k-pop and korean stuff in general. actually it was a time when i sort of hated it. I think i remember watching it and thinking what the heck is this? and who are these people? well i guess i have changed. who would've thought...
Anyways, been obsessed with Nichkhun for obvious reasons. Taemin has sort of disappeared with the rest of SHINee even though they are still awesome. I think it is because 2pm has their own variety show and that way i can see them from a different perspective. I wonder if SHINee has their own variety show... besides their appearance on hello baby which was the first korean variety show i ever watched. gosh i like variety shows. i freaking love them!!! better than the american shows... i think. actually... hmmmm yea korean variety shows are better. i got bored of watching VD (oh and that bring me to another matter) so quickly... and i haven't even started PLL. Where as for WGM, my gosh i can't stop myself. watched like 15 eps today. Nichkhun is sooo cute omg i dunno ahhhhhhhhhhhh!! I see his face and i start smiling ok i'm going to change the topic before i bore some people.

Anyways, hope everyone is enjoying the start of the holidays and i hope all the people who are going to that Parramatta outing have a whole heap of fun shopping. Soo sorry i couldn't come... actually soooo sad i couldn't come. i really wanted to go shoe shopping. i want a pair of gladiators flats. i'm going to admit (wait i think i already did) ever since rach wore those black sparkly gladiators i have been very very jealous and i have wanted a pair ever since. now i see them everywhere and they call out to me "find me find me buy me buy buy buy buy buy" they call out. awwww... oh well.. have fun. i will just watch more WGM.
Going to see a couple of people i haven't seen for a while in a couple of days... maybe it will be a bit awkward but we always have fun in the end. old church friends...it was soo fun in the day. well at least it was fun for me. more importantly, i'm going to see viv very soon!!! yayayyayay! and before we didn't have anything in common because of my dislike in k-pop but now since i'm converted i reckon it is going to be way more awesome!! yayay!
Learning a bit of korean nowadays. i sort of have to because i'm watching so much. anyways anyways... i feel like i should put a video up. mabe next time plus some pictures from my forster trip. damn i want to go back and go beach clothes shopping. i can't believe i just walked past so many and didn't even go in. just looking longingly from outside. basically window shopping. gosh i hate window shopping.. it is sooo pointless. more into that another time... haha i feel good for posting so much.. i'm such a dedicated blogger... haha no i'm just lame haha.
i'll put up forster photos+videos (maybe) and probably a clip from WGM next time,
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