Monday, December 20, 2010

back from forster i guess

only realised i had been spelling forster wrong until i actually got there. um kinda tired right now. don't really feel like posting but i'm going to anyway because i don't want to forget anything.
forster was fun. though it wasn't one of those eventful holidays. it was more of a holiday to just relax and i mean seriously relax. we barely did anything besides drive around in the car and go sightseeing. Can't complain though since the views were really really nice. i watched the sunset from our apartment balcony three times. I did a lot of sleeping and watched the social network on my mp3 about 4 times. then my mp3 died and seeing as i always forget to bring something on holidays i forgot my charger but it didn't matter much. everything was kinda just smooth. as in whatever we found interesting we would take a look at. We went on a couple of walks which were nice and i took sooo many photos it filled up the entire memory space on my camera. felt really relaxed for a couple of days and now i'm not sure what i'm going to do for the rest of the holidays. 

ah a short post,

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