Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Well i have been a little obsessed with Joseph Gordon Levitt for the last week. ok ok i have been majorly obsessed. i'm in love for the billionth time and because of this i have researched bassically every little detail about him. I'm also desperately wanting to watch 10 things i hate about you coz he stars in it. I want to watch every single movie he was in in fact. There isn't really a way to describe an obsession. You're bassically just obsessed to the core. I like him and everything he does especially his suits. I like suits too, a lot. His eyes may be slanty you might think but i like them that way and omg his hair (er..haha.) in 500 days was to die for. Actually no. That's really over exaggerated. It just look awesome. He also made this web thing a few years back and now it's grown and it's like a production company and i think he is amazing for all the things he has done on the site which is called HitRecord. HitRecord is another thing i'm obsessed with. The other day i swear all i wanted from the world was a letter of appreciation (for contributions) from HitRecord. I don't know why I love it so much though it does make me feel a little bad considering my talent in this type of thing is at a minimum (if i have any at all). I can't even freaking figure out how to use photoshop. I love photography. That's another thign i'm obsessed with. I love photos, taking them i mean. I love free drawing. I want to have the style that wirrow has on HitRecord. Anyways, HitRecord is awesome and JGL is so awesome to produce something that awesome and i am so appreciative of it i don't know why but it's just AAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGHH SO DAMN AWESOME! i'm out of control.
Here's one of the most awesome things they made:

Weird u think? Yes but i think it awesome! People from all around the world used their skills to put this piece together. I like the text. Very nice indeed.


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