Thursday, May 20, 2010

For Rach (again)

Damn me. i ruined the picture. oh well. I'm introducing Kenneth this time. Um yeah. Rach this is Kenneth and Kenneth just look at rach's dp. Anyways, you will probably notice that Kenneth is a so called loser (jks). Terence is just up to no good again. Um the bottom vid is slightly weird. We sorta went into battle. Hard to explain. Oh and also don't underestimate annie's fighting ability coz she will hurt you (and then apologize haha). No seirously, she bruised me pretty bad during this battle.
I think jo and I teamed up afterwards and attacked annie with full force and annie's comeback was to throw paper and jo. how lame but funny. Please pay no attention to me coz i'm probably the worst fighter there. I think the real war is between jo and annie. Oh and I'm still not sure who won in the end so i wanna know who you think won except for rach because she is totally biased. Glenny

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