Saturday, May 8, 2010

29 hours at sea - Intro

Death was near. I could feel it. It was feeding on us. One by one, we grew tired of hanging on and the thought of letting go loomed over us like storm. Kendall gave it up first. Her weak and fragile body wouldn’t hold up for her. Then Clare. Sam didn’t look it but he was dead inside. There was no reason for living anymore. Where was Clare? She was gone and he wanted to be too. Anderson moaned in agony as he too sunk under the water. He didn’t resurface. The rest of them clung on for dear life because that was all they had. And I, I was to go through the most traumatic 29 hours of my entire life.
This was free writing so yeah. What did you think? Um actually don't answer that. I'm really not up for criticism right now. I think you should just stick to reading it or maybe not reading at all. This is of course an exception for Annie because she is my beta reader. Annie do your stuff through commenting (not cbox). Anyways, these people are stranded in the middle of the ocean (i can't tell you why yet) and each of them die off one by one. That's all i'm going to give you for now. I need to do a bit more research and that might not come unitl a while so yeah.

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