Saturday, May 22, 2010



Great Ending to Dreary School Week.

Well this week i thought was pretty horrid considering the lack of sleep i was getting on Wednesday and Thursday morning due to the endless assignments I have been getting. Having Geography on these two days wasn't really a help at all because thats when i would feel the full effects of not enough sleep but I would survive it.

My highlight of the week would probably have to be on Friday during PE. I suppose there was no PE because of the rain but instead we spent the time learning off a new sub PE teacher. I'm just going to call him Mr M for now. I think he was some sort of student teacher actually and I also believe he was meant to teach us oz tag but the weather didn't approve so yeah. Mr M looks like the rugby type so i suppose something like oz tag would fit into his category. To be honest, during primary, i actually did enjoy oz tag but things are slightly different now because of the class im in. Soo many ridiculously sporty people.

Anyways, we played buzz off hairy legs but with only the buzz off which I found weird but that was how Mr M played it so yeah. Most of the words we were given were quite straight forward but some i didn't even know were words. Everytime someone was eliminated, there would be this huge "AWWWWWWWWWWW!" that would errupt from the class. I think after 5 minutes the class had already gone crazy. It was also funny when whoever won had to go to the bathroom immediately after. It became a pattern.

After heaps laughing, we moved onto some random chair game where someone stood in the middle and said something (eg. if you think Harry Potter is better than Twilight) and whoever thought so would have to switch chair with others. It was pretty frantic, the whole class running around like headless chickens. We also found out a lot about Mr M during this game. I think Cat said "If you watch Gossip Girl" and a pack of people raced around including Mr M. Gosh that was hilarious. We were like "are you serious?" and he was like" yeah. i watch gossip girl", "I like Serena" and everyone was like "oooooo". Then Cat and Mr M started discussing he latest episode of Gossip Girl. I cracked up soo many times.

I don't now how we got to it but Jackie and Georgia did a couple of weird things including performing a reanactment of Glee's lets get physical, admitting to still playing with barbies and even singing stalker to Mr M (maike being Jackie's ukelele). So many long hair flicks and weird army crawls. I think Mr M figured we were crazy, dramatic out of control class pretty soon. He had a couple of laughs himself. Damn Natasha who said "if you hate Justin Bieber" and half the class stood up, me obviously not included. There were also a couple of Buffy offenders and you could see the hurt on Cleo's face when it was metioned. haha.

So yeah. No PE becoz of rain. New sub teacher. Playing games that make us go crazy. Jackie and Georgia's awesome acts. Learning more about each other and Mr M. Probably going to have him next week for an actual PE lesson. Soo grateful for such an uplifting ending to a dreary school week. It was totally what I needed. How was your week?

I will fall for anything. Frangi's Blog is awesome and so is her tumblr.
More to come,

Scroll down for Kenneth

Just do what the title says unless you don't want to see Terence making fun of Kenneth.


Damn. I wanted to hear her rap and j.b walks into a revolving door.

Check this out. It's pretty cute but it would have been totally more awesome if she had rapped. I suppose through all the wall posters she likes a lot of other young artists too. She's sooo cute. The bottom vid is of Justin Bieber walking into a revolving door. It's funny when he spots the camera capturing the whole thing.


Thursday, May 20, 2010

For rach i suppose. (there's another one coming up for rach too)

This was the thing annie and I tried to explain to rach. um i might give rach the tumblr site soon. its prob going to be on the cbox. sorry for not posting for a really long time. i have just had quite a few assignments and lately i have been sleeping really late doing them. have a read of this. well since annie said i should, i have to mention that i think this was some sorta entry to a cathy cassidy book comp thingo that was somehow copied or something? i dunno. You should go ask annie. she should know everything i'm blabbing on about. I think it is pretty creative but i don't think i would ever try this on my mum. she would probably freak half way through and not read the end and then call the poilce. haha. tell me what you think. Sooo many draft posts it isn't funny.
Ps: Bear Grylls is in Australia I think. YAY!

For Rach (again)

Damn me. i ruined the picture. oh well. I'm introducing Kenneth this time. Um yeah. Rach this is Kenneth and Kenneth just look at rach's dp. Anyways, you will probably notice that Kenneth is a so called loser (jks). Terence is just up to no good again. Um the bottom vid is slightly weird. We sorta went into battle. Hard to explain. Oh and also don't underestimate annie's fighting ability coz she will hurt you (and then apologize haha). No seirously, she bruised me pretty bad during this battle.
I think jo and I teamed up afterwards and attacked annie with full force and annie's comeback was to throw paper and jo. how lame but funny. Please pay no attention to me coz i'm probably the worst fighter there. I think the real war is between jo and annie. Oh and I'm still not sure who won in the end so i wanna know who you think won except for rach because she is totally biased. Glenny

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Lame fight

Athlectics Vid. Um... the whole "your mum" thing is kinda complex. We have to trace back to the week before, before you can understand why Joanne answered with "your mum". Luckily, Annie did answer with the right answer which was Moore. Yay! Moore doesn't usually win many races so Annie and I were pretty psyched about it. Then, Jo just randomly attacked Annie and thats what started a series of fight matches. I caught most of them on camera, including one I was involved in and now regret because annie bruised me. haha.


Saturday, May 15, 2010


Well im not sure if it was this week or last week but it was a wednesday morning and annie, eileen and I in French class just finishing off some homework when eileen grabbed something from her bag and put it in her mouth. I was aware that annie had seen the same thing I did and through her curiosity she peered into eileen's bag and found a packet of chips.

Annie immediately ask eileen for a chip and eileen said yes. two seconds later, annie asked for another one and once again eileen said yes. This was during French while the teacher was still talking so i was getting kinda irritated seeing as they were distracting me and also annie was going against her will to... u know and anyways im not sure you are allowed to eat/drink in class even though annie does it all the time (orange juice craving). So i demanded that annie just stop and concentrate but instead she questioned me so i explained my reasons.

Later on, annie went to call her mum for a lemon just so it would seem she wouldn't be eating too much junk if she ate something healthy as well. She did this even while i persuaded eileen not to give her any anyways and while the teacher was still teaching. I still can't believe she got away with it. She hid behind her workbook (even though it looked soo suspicicous) and talked in chinglish to her mum, saying weird things like "lemon is orange's friend" and repeating lemon over and over again. Eileen and I were cracking up as annie got more and more fustrated and i think after all that she had failed to get a lemon so annie asked eileen if she had one and she coincidentally said she owned a lemon tree at home and would bring annie one if she wanted. I somehow didn't hear this part of the conversation and i went off for english.

The next day or was it some other day, meh, annie was given a perfect lemon. It looked so good and it smelt good too. That day, i waved goodbye to amy who got on the normal train for i had to wait for jo and annie and thats what led to all the commotion afterwards. I can't be bothered to tell you everything that happened on the train besides the fact that annie let me hold the lemon and i wasn't willing to give it back until a while so yeah. I wouldn't have called it stealing because it aws sorta in front of annie but yeah the lemon felt good in my hand. The train was also then delayed or stopped for 20 mins which kinda sucked coz it got sorta stuffy after a while and i think that was it. Annie got kinda dramatic, she went into the whole fake crying act which i found quite amusing. In the end, annie got he lemon back seeing as im not that cruel after all and in return (even though i don't think annie wanted me to have anything in return) i would get my own lemon.

And so a couple of days later, i was given my own lemon while annie got her second and would suppose i was satisfied. That's the story of the lemon.

I hope rach doesn't kill me for killing annie,


Grayson Michael on Ellen

yeah. you might have already seen this 6th grader on youtube singing paparazzi but here is him being interviewed on Ellen. Everyone has been saying he's like the next Justin Bieber but i'm not so sure. He is amazing but i think he has a different style to Justin. I also must say he is pretty brave going out there and performing at such a young age. He's definitely the out there type with a fantastic voice and quite a bit of talent. He even has the hair flick. man, what is with that. I think he did great with the interview but yeah, i agree with lady gaga, he should keep a distance with girls if he does enter the music industry. um... he also puts a lot of soul into his singing and he doesn't sound so high pitched like bieber (haha). Pretty awesome overall but he still has far to go. I suppose youtube is now the one of the most easiest ways to get famous. Tell me what you think.

More to come,


Thursday, May 13, 2010


Um. omg. sorry. haven't really had time to post even though i really want to. i have like five draft posts which are on there way and also many other ideas still on my mind. so yeah. i have an athlectics carnival tomoz so that prob means i can't post any tomoz either which sucks and also more assignments and stuff i have to do and that means blogging won't be too high on the agenda for sat. Sunday maybe. well im definitely going to have a post on the lemon thing up first and then u will have to wait and see the one that follow. Keep cboxing me coz its a great place for convos and spam (preferably convos).

Sunday, May 9, 2010

draft post moved down.

Um there is a photo post a few posts down which was a draft and so when i finally finished it, it was transported down instead of appearing at the top. This has happened before so yeah just look for the post that starts off with a pic of rach who is in fact very pretty.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

29 hours at sea - Intro

Death was near. I could feel it. It was feeding on us. One by one, we grew tired of hanging on and the thought of letting go loomed over us like storm. Kendall gave it up first. Her weak and fragile body wouldn’t hold up for her. Then Clare. Sam didn’t look it but he was dead inside. There was no reason for living anymore. Where was Clare? She was gone and he wanted to be too. Anderson moaned in agony as he too sunk under the water. He didn’t resurface. The rest of them clung on for dear life because that was all they had. And I, I was to go through the most traumatic 29 hours of my entire life.
This was free writing so yeah. What did you think? Um actually don't answer that. I'm really not up for criticism right now. I think you should just stick to reading it or maybe not reading at all. This is of course an exception for Annie because she is my beta reader. Annie do your stuff through commenting (not cbox). Anyways, these people are stranded in the middle of the ocean (i can't tell you why yet) and each of them die off one by one. That's all i'm going to give you for now. I need to do a bit more research and that might not come unitl a while so yeah.

The imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus

This movie comes out on rental on the 19th of May. I really wanna watch it. It looks amazing!

Tell me what you think (comment on cbox),


The Lovely Bones

I recently watched the lovely bones and omg it was sooooo good. you have to go see it. I wish i saw it in the cinemas but i watched avatar instead. anyways, rach said it was a good movie so i went to rent it and the effects in my opinion were amazing. The background music was also really good. I have read 3/4 of the book and its okay but i think the movie was better which is unusual coz it is normally the other way around. The story plot was good, the actors and actresses were pretty good, the setting were really really good and the whole metaphorical visualisations (i dunno what to call it, sort of how everything matched up) were awesome! I actually want to go buy it now but that is how i usually feel after every movie. Some bits in the movie were a bit creepy like the first time i saw the bathroom scene, yuck it was kinda disgusting as in there was blood everywhere. In other bits it was sooo intense i found myself sorta frozen and shaking inside, like when lindsay is escaping from the house and is soooooo close to getting caught. i shoudn't spoil amymore of the movie and so yeah i give it a 4.5/5. Super awesome!


Thursday, May 6, 2010

New post 2 posts down

um somehow my new post isn't at the top of the page so just scroll down. and read the green coloured post.
it's fun writing really short posts,

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

More pics

These are just random photos I took over a couple of days. This first one is of Rachel sitting next to me on the bus to Canberra and we are still at school. Pretty right? well she doesn't think so. haha rach is very pretty and btw she bought those sunnies at rubi along with a lot of other stuff. RUBI IS AWESOME!
Anyways, this one is of Daphne, Jo and Annie. I told them to make a weird face and I think they did make one. Especially annie and daph. gosh annie are u hungry or something? haha. jo just looks really really happy. this was under the science/hsie stairs at school.

This photo is of annie giving one of her weird metaphorical talks/ councilling moment with jo but i bet jo wasn't paying one bit of attention. i think she just wanted to have a staring comp with annie. Nice Jo! Hi-five!

Another weird face photo. but jo looks a lot more normal this time. Daphne is still kinda agro. haha and annie is suffereing from a hangover. jks annie u shudn't be so glum. haha. i shud stop making fun of annie now. I will make sure im nicer to her this coming week.

I couldn't get this photo to rotate which was weird so i guess you guys are going to have to turn your heads to the side. Jo is laughing like a maniac at the bus stop and if you look close enough you can see the top of annie's head somewhere.

This is of the side of terence's head and jo in her what the hek is going on/ i forgot mode. They are both clearly denying their love for each other (omg sorry total jks. haha that's soo old. jo's not going to like this very much) Oh and also terence seemed to find the whole stalker thing funny. Anyways, joanne has a nice ear.

Does annie look creepy or what? She is like jo's ghost or something. Jo looks sleepy. Ok seriously, annie is really freaking me out now. if her eyebrows were furrowed in a bit more, she would have looked really scary.

That's all for now. Hope I didn't embarrass anyone too much. If so you can slap me. actually i take that back. otherwise annie would lie and say she was sooo embarrassed just so she could slap me. so yeah hope you have had a good weekend and good luck to anyone starting their half-yearlies.

Hiya guys

hiya guys. been doing a couple of things. first of all, i have finished watching all the episodes of himym that i could. man i was obsessed with finishing then i found out there was going to be a sixth season which in some way is good because... more funny stories i suppose but also everyone is just freaking dying to know who the mother is. anyways, i think through watching so much i have become sort of part barney. weird. also jo has been stalked, told that she is loved and then immediately told that it cannot be believed that she was loved. wow. fake boyfriends and stuff. jo!!!!! formspring and facebook combined earned her massive slap from me on one innocent morning (during chinese). She deactivated her accounts the next day and then i took back her slap with a hug. i hate hugs (they are so much for annie and jo... not me.) then annie started complaining abt how she didn't get hugged even though we attacked her ever so often. haha. and then today i crowned myself with the opinions of both jo and annie, the best slapper (even though marshall is prob the best in the world) haha. oh and also we have continued the numbered dares mostly used on annie coz she is awesome and stupid jks. annie is soooooo close to finishing she is up to 19. her 19th dare not really worth the rank but hugging kenneth and capturing it on camera i suppose is ok. im no where near finishing. also the discussion of me streaking/dying (whatever) has popped up and i think rach and i are doing it together. amy has scared the living .... out of me with her stories but i suppose a few won't hurt. nowadays, if anyone mentions it, i feel nausiated. And besides the slight criticising from rach who thinks she is ugly and is freaking not! everything has been quite dull and depressing.

I have a new playlist... check it out,