Monday, March 22, 2010

Alice in Wonderland 3D.

Once again, I have defied myself. Last post i said i wouldnt write a post today but I am doing so right this moment so therefore defying myself I am. if that made any sense? well this one is the movie review on Alice inWonderland. I saw it in 3D which gave it that extra touch. As most would say "it was amazing!" which is was and most of the characters were portrayed well. I said "most for a reason. Johnny Depp was AWESOME! like always. not that im obsessed with him or anything (but i know ppl who are). Great mad hatter's costume! very.. colourful. creative. And might I say the rabbit, the grinning cat and the blue catterpillar were also great.

Weirdly enough. the white queen (anne hathaway) didnt do a good job in my opinion. or maybe it was her character. im not sure but she seemed to floaty. ok wayyyyyyyyyyyy to floatly. she kept drifting around everywhere. she was also a little dull. and her lips were a weird colour. I reckon her costume needed a lot of lace. I think she was a little too white. it almost looked grey in some way. Yeah. didnt really like her character.

On the other hand the red queen was my FAVOURITE! she was an outstanding actress(being the wife of Tim Burton of course) she did a great job of emphasizing her character and buliding up her personality. I think everyone liked her even though she was baddy in the film. A memorable line of hers was "OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!" which she said like 10 times. She was quite a funny character too seeing how stupid she could be at times. And woah! she has a massive head! And I like how everything she had was made into a love heart.

Alice was okay I guess. she wasnt the best but she did give it her all i think. I liked her costumes and her voice was a nice calming one. I reckon she should do an action film to hype up her character. she need a bit more energy and urgency. otherwise she will just be dull. but good job i would say.

Overall I give the movie a 7.5 out of 10. Go see it yourself and tell me what you think of it.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Soooo disconected.

Sorry abt that guys,
I was abt to go full on postathon on the weekend but out of the blue comes internet disconection. This is some way completely and utterly disastrous but in another way good for me. I have a feeling this was god's doing. I will explain in another post abt all the weird things that happened this week that i think involved God. Well yeah i had no way of entering anything that had internet yesterday so i was stuck with microsoft word and an icy tower download. It got really boring but this way i got my english assignment finished. I have a lot of assignments, speeches and tests this coming week. Gosh. High school really does push you.

I dont know but i have been wanting to write so many things lately on blogger. also been doing a lot of reading. im going to be reviewing a lot of book and movies soon. especially alice in wonderland which i was going to write yesterday but couldnt. so yeah a lot of catching up to do. Mmaybe not tomoz. Maybe in two days when some of my important tests are done and I can relax a little.

Well its been a crazy week for me. Hope you guys survived. Probably no videos for a while.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Hmm another postathon..

well i dunno if i shud call it a postathon coz i usually skip out on the half the things im gonna write so i guess ill just say this is sorta like a reminder for me on what im gong to write. in case i forget.
  • Lego (no not actual lego.. blocks, u will understand when i write it)
  • B'day options and other stuff (i know it is early but why not im so hyped)
  • Alice In wonderland review (watching it this Thursday!)
  • Over ob (the post i was mentioned i was going to write in the other post)
Hope you're all having a great weekend,


Ok i guess this is different from what i usually like in a movie but why not looks ok. wanna watch like everything. and aaron johnson is in this one too though he looks way different. In comes out on my birthday though im not sure if it is in Australia. probably is. Soo wanna watch it just for the action.

ps sorry for posting up so many vids just been viewing them a lot this week. i will have a writtien post up very very soon.

Flight of the Conchords

Hilarious! You have to watch this. Great lyrics. haha


Saturday, March 13, 2010

No Bird In Sight

well just like to share how relaxed I felt today in my backyard. The weather was a bit weird with  all the come and go light rain but boy was hte wind perfect. i can't call it wind either. it was more like a breeze with the perfect temperature and speed. This with the light sun rays drifting through the crowd of clouds and the patches of brilliant blue in the sky was... AWESOME! yeah made me kinda sleepy actually. so after a 2 minute yoga pose i grabbed a pillow and slept on the lawn of my backyard. The grass was a little prickly but not enough to ruin my relaxed mood. I slept there for a while, not bothered about the time, it is the weekend of course, and watched the clouds move. It was different being so close to the ground. Sorta like being an ant. I closed my eyes again and put my hands behind my head until my brother came and copied me. he always does that. cant blame him though. i would have done the same. I listened to leaves rustling. it was quieter than usual. I smelt the air. Smelt like nothing I guess. but soothing alltogether. Just imagine green. Greens always a relaxing colour besides it being on a traffic light. Green as nature I guess. Nice. Brother couldn't hold sleeping position for long. ran off somewhere. I lay there. lunchbox written across my top. (true). Black attracting the warmth of the sun. Also nice. I get up, feeling the dryness on my feet. Think of juice. Apple not orange. Sugar on the tongue. Sweet. very sweet. All nice, relaxing points of a Saturday.

Did you like that? Or did you hate it? Just a new way of writing im trying out. sorta just letting my mind flow out. Through all senses. Thought I'd do relaxation first. coz it was easy. Tell me what you think.


Friday, March 12, 2010

Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging

Ok. I know this movie is like soooo old (sorta i watched it like a year ago) but recently there has been a couple of mentions of the movie and i went and researched it again today and now... I LOVE IT! well i always did. i was meaning to buy the dvd but i kept forgetting. I love Aaron Johnson who plays Robbie in the movie but my friends think he is gross because he married a 42 year old which I have to say is really gross. EWW! so yeah. movie is still good though and here is the trailer.

ps: sorry haven't been posting lately. i have gotton obsesses with something other than this. i will write a long post all abt it soon.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Very interesting video. Take a look at it.


Friday, March 5, 2010

total take back

i just have to write a few things. i got it from another blog and i loved it so yeah.
For every hug,

There is a kiss.

For every shot,

There is a miss.

For every star,

There is a sky.

For every what,

There is a why.

For every dog,

There is a cat.

For every head,

There is a hat.

For every storm,

There is a cloud.

For every sight,

There is a sound.

For every clam,

There is a pearl.

For every boy,

There is a girl.

Cute huh?
stuff the no posting in March thing.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

ok this is seriously the last post.

yep i know i said before that i wasnt going to write for the next month but i have to post this thing first.

Its the girl who cried over justin bieber. haha. she is sooo cute. cody is a nice name. a very cute name. yeah but jimmy kimmel as a baby is just weird. haha.

enjoy and (the real) cya,

davedays vid!

I have been literally waiting for this vid to come out for ages an dit came out today so yeah! some bits are kinda weird but most of it is funny. it you have time go check out the bloopers on the davedays channel which shud have links to it.
well enjoy,

Monday, March 1, 2010

Valentine's Day

Well i went and watched valentine's day with my bestie and it was pretty good actually. to be honest i expected it to be good because of all the stars they casted so yeah. everything in the movie matches up including the characters, their personalities and where they are at a certain time. the two taylors didn't get much of a part though. i think out of all the actors bradley cooper and jennifer garner(she is soo pretty) were the best! viv liked ashton kutcher. so yeah there are a couple of twists in the movie that will leave you stunned but most of it is comedy. Hmm... i give it an 8.5 out of 10. Really gud!

Go watch it,
Bradley Cooper is hot!

But before i go...

one last shortish post.

 how cool is that!! i remember when i was little it was upstairs and i used to play with it. then it was moved to the garage and dad threw all the spare stuff in there so you couldnt see the floor anymore. recently he cleaned up the garage and if i do say so myself he is doing a really good job. 3/4 of the stuff is gone and i can run around there now. we found the record player and all the old records and dad put them on and it worked!! we listened to old music the whole night! in the garage. haha. yeah it was sooo cool!

Here are some pics:

if you dont know what a phonograph is, its what your parents would have had to listen to music when they were children or teenagers. sorta like a cd player or even more modern now an ipod. and you put these records(sorta like big cds) on this weird turn table thingo and you put this needle thing on it and turn the power on and it will spin and play music. The garge is a great place to have it since it is echoey it makes a great place to amplify the music.

i was imagining my garge as a dance club. with a rainbow tiled dancefloor. that would be extraordinary. and there would be a bar where you can drink and stuff. and dance for like ever and ever.


The leaves of Autumn.

Well sorry guys but i probably won't be writing for a while. there isn't much to write right now but im sure i get something posted by next month because then it would be april and there are many special things happening in that month so look out for next month. but for now i just wanna say a few things.

Firstly, that today is justin bieber's birthday and i wish him a happy 16th birthday even though a lot of you don't like him. i think he went some place and all these girls started following him. haha. well i think he is getting a car as well. cool! well anyways happy birthday justin!

Secondly, i would like to pay some respect to the ppl in chile who have recently been struck down by an earthquake. it was an 8.8 earthquake that destroyed many bulidings and lively hoods. It also killed many ppl as well i think. so i would just like to send my prayers to them.

And thirdly, pinch and a punch for the first day of the month and season! no returns! full stop! HA! take that! haha. yeah its March and its Autumn! i love autumn! it is the best season. its the season with the wonderfully coloured tree leaves and the starting point to where you can wear scarves. i love scarves. yay! the months in autumn also sound the best. woot! autumn rules! it reminds me of marshmellows as well. dunno why. so hope you all enjoy the month of march. stay healthy and safe and ask god to shine his sun on all of us.

Cya in April guys,