Monday, March 1, 2010

The leaves of Autumn.

Well sorry guys but i probably won't be writing for a while. there isn't much to write right now but im sure i get something posted by next month because then it would be april and there are many special things happening in that month so look out for next month. but for now i just wanna say a few things.

Firstly, that today is justin bieber's birthday and i wish him a happy 16th birthday even though a lot of you don't like him. i think he went some place and all these girls started following him. haha. well i think he is getting a car as well. cool! well anyways happy birthday justin!

Secondly, i would like to pay some respect to the ppl in chile who have recently been struck down by an earthquake. it was an 8.8 earthquake that destroyed many bulidings and lively hoods. It also killed many ppl as well i think. so i would just like to send my prayers to them.

And thirdly, pinch and a punch for the first day of the month and season! no returns! full stop! HA! take that! haha. yeah its March and its Autumn! i love autumn! it is the best season. its the season with the wonderfully coloured tree leaves and the starting point to where you can wear scarves. i love scarves. yay! the months in autumn also sound the best. woot! autumn rules! it reminds me of marshmellows as well. dunno why. so hope you all enjoy the month of march. stay healthy and safe and ask god to shine his sun on all of us.

Cya in April guys,

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