Sunday, April 17, 2011

other news

and i
(the trio)
going to
rach's house tomorrow
for duke of ed prep
or we could just spend the time
watching movies
preferably horror ones
then the trio has uh c.d. (i'm not bothered to explain what it is)
then poor jo has tutoring
i guess i have to spend the night finishing off holiday hw hardcore
811 train to the city for running man outing? maybe probs
jessie should be there too :)
have to buy new rubi sunnies
coz i somehow lost them at a beach that had like 100 mile winds
blowing right at my face
and also buying big bang and cn blue's albums
if they aren't tooo expensive
should be back in the afternoon
to do more hardcore work
if i have enough self discipline to not watch tayg
vinnies for 4 hours with annie
probably more hangers to hang and annie has more lingerie to tag LOL
home for maybe some more work i doubt it will happen
i bet i will just end up watch some korean variety show
or random procrastination like i'm doing right now at 10:38
lol jeffrey is asleep
exactly the same thing but with jo to accompany annie and i making us the trio again
church camp
that i have yet to find out about
should be fun
i'm hoping
then the following week i absolutely need for revision
and that's my plan :)
i should be fixing my eating and sleeping habits too.
dieting is necessary now considering i gained like half a freaking kilogram LOL
and i should sleep at 11:30 instead of 1
that would prove to be beneficial for my health
and of course
more meditation and definitely more tea!
ok that's it for today,

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