Thursday, April 14, 2011

died...and some last words

first, please excuse the unedited welcome to this blog for it is currently having some template difficulties. the situation is unfortunate for i am no longer bothered to fix this unfortunate situation hehe.

lol ok now i seriously killed my blog. oh well. for some reason all the profiling, cboxing,links and other gadgets have disappeared yet my entries are still in tact as well as the archives... weird. i sort of reverted to classic mode and lost all the editing tools to fix up the blog after a template change. i guess it is going to be stuck like this forever... a little empty but a lot less overwhelming. simple i would say and nice :) at least i posted something on these abandoned plains. ok farewell. you know where to find me:
though i'm not always at home. i am however watching family outing season 2 right this very moment :) missing blogger a lot now. maybe it's time for my return! we will see...
as time passes so does my referral,

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