Wednesday, April 20, 2011

ok just in case

ok haven't been able to access my msn
tried many times and just says that the thing isn't working
not anything to do with my password
checked hotmail account
and says stuff like my account is blocked
like i can get in but it's blocked which also proves nothing is wrong with the password
tried a couple of methods in accessing
eg sending codes to another email
an email account i also can't access
weirdly enough
so now i'm worried
changed passwords and everything
hotmail keeps having errors
so i have to wait a while
and nothing seems to work
so yeah
kinda worried that i got hacked or something
i might just be overreacting which i probably am
but just on the safe side
coz i just want to be cautious
if any spam goes out
it's probably not me
considering i don't write emails anyway
gosh i'm probably overreacting and will turn the computer off
and the next day everything will be working
but right now
i'm worried...
so yeah
gosh hope it's not hacked
that's all
have a goodnight

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