Sunday, October 10, 2010

mash is random

hahgfsahdhfheohfeoffvjblsbklvaowefi. i feel kinda wacko today.
but i feel like blogging too.
it is the last week of the holidays.
don't the days just fly by.
i'm quite saddened that my time was filled by so much procrastination.
really need more self discipline.
i feel like mash.
actually i don't.
went to manly yesterday.
went to this place called ivanhoe.
we ate like $10 steak.
if you didn't know already...
i hate steak.
so i had the salmon instead.
i love salmon.
i love it all.
there was mash that came with it
and to be blunt...
it sucked.
so now i don't feel like mash.
i like my mum's mash though.
it is nice and creamy.
it is the best.
now i like mash again.
i feel like mash.
with gravy
but wait...
isn't that kind of fatty?
it probably is.
now i don't like mash again.
so that leaves me with the question...
do you like mash?
cbox it or something.
i dunno
that was random.
i sorta went off topic.
oh well.
does your mum make good mash?

another post coming. this just all came randomly,

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