Sunday, October 10, 2010

for viv sorry i was a little late

viviviivviviviiviviviiviviv. still wondering why you found this quite as interesting as you found it... oh well if that was wanted then your wish is my command. here it is. btw are you ditching your blog? i hope not. you do realise that you were the one who influenced me to blog in the first place. don't abandon such a great place beside from all the k-pop videos. haha. um yeah btw how are things over there? how is aaron? does he still love me or has he found another girl to replace me because our long distance relationship really isn't working as we had planned. haha jks. um i'm actually not sure if you still read my blog or not so... oh well here is your request planted in full to be on my blog forever. urrrrghh can't believe i putting up k-pop haha.

oh and cbox me something... anything!

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