Friday, November 5, 2010

New Nigahiga Vid

hahahaha ok the best bit hands down was the car scene with justin bieber. haha that was genius. Anyways i posted on jarg'd which is the new name for the group blog and i made a vid featuring annie actually the whole thing has annie in it... the video is well... annie. Anyways, thought i'd post here considering i haven't for a while. I would also like to confess that i have reached down into my soul and i mean deep deep into my soul and found a little bit of me that would tolerate k-pop. ok fine i admit it... it is hard to say this. im in such denial but k-pop actually isn't that ba... ok i take that all back urrrrghh no offence but urggh k-pop is sooo ba... ok i'm going to shut it before viv kills me. Hope this colour isn't too hard to read off a white background because i quite like it. It reminds me of frankie and also a top i used to have that i shredded in a shredder.urgh did i spell that right?
BROMANCE! (epic sounds...)

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