Sunday, November 21, 2010


ok so here is the trailer which i saw during the ads before i watched hp 7 part 1. It is called devil and i dunno what caught my eye about this movie... actually i do. Well first of all some of the people looked familiar and then the whole upside down writing thingo reminded me of inception so i kept watching. Music was good. I also like the constant sound of the elevator. It is horror... as if you couldn't tell and then i immediately thought two things. 1. YES! SOMETHING I CAN GET A REAL THRILL OUT OF! WOOT GO HORROR! and
2. OMG! Jessie probably going to want to watch this!
Hmmm... i dunno abt you but i think the whole elevator setting is kinda awesome for a horror movie. It is so compacted and that way you can explore what an elevator is really like inside and outside... i dunno it is creepy. The mirrors in the elevator are cool too. 
Another thing was that it reminded me of joanne. Well not that she was the devil haha more like what she told me before. i don't think she likes elevators. She most definitely would prefer to take the stairs. Almost always. haha kinda weird. Great movie for jo.
I remember turning to annie before the trailer ended and saying "i'm sssssoo going to watch that" then she said something like "M.NIGHT SHYAMALAN" with some fustrated hand movements. yeah he directed airbender which even though i haven't watched it sucks. but still.. he did do the sixth sense. still... devil looks good... heard that it was predictable though.
Don't know what has gotten into me this year but i really want to see a tonne of horror films. all except saw which is kinda out of my reach and depth. 
Kinda sad that i read the comments because i sorta accidentally read one that spoiled the whole thing for me. even though it said spoiler alert i kinda missed it and kept reading and now. damn. well still want to watch it.
Anyways, hoped you liked the trailer :)
It comes out on 2nd Dec this year which is like soon... that's according to imdb.

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