Thursday, April 14, 2011

reconstruction complete

haha i'm not gone yet!
wow i amazed myself at how bother i was to finish reconstruction. haha it really wan't that hard. still a little dodgy but it looks good overall. just pondering over whether i should upload korean content visually or keep it all in written form and save the visuals for tumblr. yeah i think the visuals should stay where they belong. lol i just answered my own question.
i may go crazy sometime in the future for i have already suffered from the early stages of self communication. gosh, soooo lonely haha.
i really have to go to the kpop store in the city and get my beloved big bang album before i really go crazy. waiting is unbearable!
oh and also big bang's love song MV is out. simple yet stunning at the same time. there is definitely a soft spot in my heart for simple things. ok it's set. all written posts on blogger and all visuals on tumblr.

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