hey jessie i hope you are reading this right now otherwise i know you didn't say what you said you would do... and if you are... HELLOOOOOO!!! :)
so i'm back
well duh
why would i be blogging if i wasn't back?
so yeah i'm back
well duh
lake conjola was...
pretty average
in summary
met up with old church friend
took a while to break the ice but it happened eventually
got to a wide house thingo surrounded by bush
like seriously
i wouldn't be suprised if i went outside and got attacked by a possum
or a kangaroo
or a swarm of mozzies
or maybe just an ant
josh got bitten on the ear which swelled and turned into a tomato
rained for a while
cold which sucked because i packed summer clothes
brought shorts and tank tops
it was like 13 degrees
proves my stupidity level is higher than you originally thought
ate a lot of pasta because at the club and pubs and bubs(i just made that up) and stuff they only had steak, nuggets/chips etc. so i guess pasta was the healthier option
went to iga and bought frozen fries, apple danish and ice cream
dad caught a fish the size of jupiter on the second night during the hailstorm (exaggeration has been used there) and i was pretty amazed at his efforts
i think it was a taylor
jeffrey(old church friend) and i joked about having fish and chips for breakfast
woke up next day to actually have fish and chips for breakfast
played monopoly deal, uno and bananagrams (playing only with two ppl is extremely difficult)
and did a lot of driving whilst listening to a lot kpop
my dad can even sort of sing nu a bo!
did a lot of sightseeing
and yeah
that's it.
pretty average stuff
yet it was pretty relaxing and nice/fun
a bonus was i got a whole queen size bed to myself instead of a bunk coz there was a free one
but i have one at home so it was like the same :)
pictures up soon,
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