ok fine i lied... i can't be bothered to put up forster photos yet. i haven't even properly uploaded them yet so yeah... well full on k-pop/variety shows again this week. not much time now but i need to post about running man because it is possibly the best show i have ever seen! and also... SHINEE IS FREAKING COMING TO AUSTRALIA AN MORE SPECIFICALLY, SYDNEY!!!! town hall on the 12th of Jan and Dora and i are def going... i have to!! i have to!! omg omg all i want is to see taemin. there are going to be soo many people. not much info has been put out yet though... anyways on the lookout for tickets... did some more researching and i started liking CN Blue and Co-ed and i made a cd full of k-pop. also made a ranking list of the bands. hmm.. it is going to be hell next week. i sort of don't want to describe to anyone.. all i'm saying is that i'm going to the dentist... and i'm probably going to be in a lot of pain. already went today... it was scary but not scary compared to what is happening next week. oh well... so much on my mind. i wanna go shopping again. and i want to watch devil really really bad but it doesn't show in a cinema close by... aww. anyways have to go.. post abt running man coming soon.. oh and nearly forgot.. the vid is just the sweet potato couple singing banmal song i think. it is pretty nice. haha jokhun also made a song for their wives.. that was cute!
randomness to the core. actually the randomness sort of moved on...
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
i couldn't possibly not put this up!
ok so this is WGM "we got married" horror special... well it is part of it at least. loved this episode... so funny and kind of creepy. this bit mostly has seohyun in it though not much khuntoria but it is ok. not going to put up anymore eps because people might get annoyed at my overwhelming attention to all this korean nowadays. i should have a balanced obsession lifestyle haha. anyways, i soo couldn't not put it up because i loved it so much... hopefully i out up the right bit.. if i didn't then i will go back and change it. I will try and only talk about my Fortser trip next post to make things balanced.
Goodnight everyone... oh and can you believe it!!! 3 days till Christmas!!! so exciting!!! yayayay!!!,
i can't think of anything to say besides i'm still watching korean variety shows
i think i'm still thoroughly immersed in watching korean variety shows. i can't get enough and seeing as it is the beginning of the holidays, i have so much time on my hands. Basically spent the last two days on the computer watching a couple episodes of idol army 2pm and especially for today, watching WGM "we got married" with Nichkhun and Victoria. There was this one episode where Khuntoria went to the karaoke place and then it looked very very extremely familiar. Like i had totally seen this before and when i saw the tiara i was like yep i have watched this before. It was a time before i even started liking k-pop and korean stuff in general. actually it was a time when i sort of hated it. I think i remember watching it and thinking what the heck is this? and who are these people? well i guess i have changed. who would've thought...
Anyways, been obsessed with Nichkhun for obvious reasons. Taemin has sort of disappeared with the rest of SHINee even though they are still awesome. I think it is because 2pm has their own variety show and that way i can see them from a different perspective. I wonder if SHINee has their own variety show... besides their appearance on hello baby which was the first korean variety show i ever watched. gosh i like variety shows. i freaking love them!!! better than the american shows... i think. actually... hmmmm yea korean variety shows are better. i got bored of watching VD (oh and that bring me to another matter) so quickly... and i haven't even started PLL. Where as for WGM, my gosh i can't stop myself. watched like 15 eps today. Nichkhun is sooo cute omg i dunno ahhhhhhhhhhhh!! I see his face and i start smiling ok i'm going to change the topic before i bore some people.

Anyways, hope everyone is enjoying the start of the holidays and i hope all the people who are going to that Parramatta outing have a whole heap of fun shopping. Soo sorry i couldn't come... actually soooo sad i couldn't come. i really wanted to go shoe shopping. i want a pair of gladiators flats. i'm going to admit (wait i think i already did) ever since rach wore those black sparkly gladiators i have been very very jealous and i have wanted a pair ever since. now i see them everywhere and they call out to me "find me find me buy me buy buy buy buy buy" they call out. awwww... oh well.. have fun. i will just watch more WGM.
Going to see a couple of people i haven't seen for a while in a couple of days... maybe it will be a bit awkward but we always have fun in the end. old church friends...it was soo fun in the day. well at least it was fun for me. more importantly, i'm going to see viv very soon!!! yayayyayay! and before we didn't have anything in common because of my dislike in k-pop but now since i'm converted i reckon it is going to be way more awesome!! yayay!
Learning a bit of korean nowadays. i sort of have to because i'm watching so much. anyways anyways... i feel like i should put a video up. mabe next time plus some pictures from my forster trip. damn i want to go back and go beach clothes shopping. i can't believe i just walked past so many and didn't even go in. just looking longingly from outside. basically window shopping. gosh i hate window shopping.. it is sooo pointless. more into that another time... haha i feel good for posting so much.. i'm such a dedicated blogger... haha no i'm just lame haha.
i'll put up forster photos+videos (maybe) and probably a clip from WGM next time,
Monday, December 20, 2010
back from forster i guess
only realised i had been spelling forster wrong until i actually got there. um kinda tired right now. don't really feel like posting but i'm going to anyway because i don't want to forget anything.
forster was fun. though it wasn't one of those eventful holidays. it was more of a holiday to just relax and i mean seriously relax. we barely did anything besides drive around in the car and go sightseeing. Can't complain though since the views were really really nice. i watched the sunset from our apartment balcony three times. I did a lot of sleeping and watched the social network on my mp3 about 4 times. then my mp3 died and seeing as i always forget to bring something on holidays i forgot my charger but it didn't matter much. everything was kinda just smooth. as in whatever we found interesting we would take a look at. We went on a couple of walks which were nice and i took sooo many photos it filled up the entire memory space on my camera. felt really relaxed for a couple of days and now i'm not sure what i'm going to do for the rest of the holidays.
ah a short post,
Sunday, December 12, 2010
korean variety shows
A new term! vaiety show. saw it on a random site and thought it suited so now something like star golden bell can be classified as a korean variety show. Still watching it... though I have watched like one episode of star king and it wasn't as good so back to bell i went. that makes no sense haha. anyways, nearing the holidays...3 days left of school. Everything is basically done but can you believe it... I still have one assignment left and there are 3 days left!!! What is this!!???!! oh well shouldn't be too hard.
Oh and happy birthday to Simran!!!! Hope you and that grape vine guy(???) have a happy life together. i still don't know his name...
There is something wrong with me... I am pretty sure it is around 30 trillion degrees up in this compacted room and i'm and sitting here blogging with a black wollen jumper on and i can't be bothered to take it off! i can officially say i have taken my laziness to a whole new level.
and i probably agree. gosh i dunno why i laughed so hard. I also didn't know key was such a good dancer. I know Taemin is... that reminds me.. there is a video of taemin dancing like really really good but i might put that up another time...anyways, i have found a new side of key with his love of crazy dancing :)
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
hello baby then... oh and don't watch if korean stuff isn't your thing...
finished hello baby. it was shorter than i expected. should have gone on longer. oh well. it was really good. quite entertaining and highly addictive just like this next korean show thingo called star golden bell which sounds weird in english but it probably translated into something that makes sense in korean. anyways, couldn't pass this because it has not only the one and the... only SHINee!!!!! but also SNSD, KARA and 2PM!!! yayayayyyayay. omg omg it is sooo funny. One problem though, WHERE THE FREAK IS TAEMIN!!!! argh... oh well. onew is funny and so is minho. Goes for 8 parts so the rest should be shown at the end of the vid if you do proceed to the next vid. There is this one game they play which i don't get though. it goes really fast and yeah. well at least there are english subs.
went to that asian store in chinatown because i had to by a Kris Kringle present. the poster was out of stock so i got another on all while staring up in amazement at the price of the SHINee poster up the front. It was $25 and it was abt the size of the other posters that were $5 but i have to say it was magnificent. The poster sort of like called to people "Buy me... buy me.... i'm the best poster here and Taemin looks especially cute in this poster so...... buy me" yeah so much desire but i thought "no, you must not glo... maybe when you aren't as broke you can come back and buy it..." argh... it was so freaking awesome. well yeah sad now because i couldn't get shinee stuff but i suppose i wasn't there to buy stuff for myself so yeah.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
confession time
um yeah... it happened. sorta told jo i was on the brink of it and.. yeah.. i was right. sorta slid into the early stages of k-pop obsession. yeah... never thought it would happen but it did. i think that i knew it would happen eventually just didn't want it to happen yet so i sorta refused it a lot. i dunno what got into me. little by little. actually i can't say i like all k-pop yet. Shinee mostly. actually i just like Shinee and when i say Shinee i mean Taemin mostly. Actually i just mean Taemin all the way. nah Shinee is cool. had some trouble with the way it was said though. it was one of those automatic things. like how annie pronounces things weird. anyways, yayayay getting really immersed in it. i could feel it coming over me like every other obsession does. it creeps up on you and then BAM! yay k-pop freak. though i am sorta determined just to focus on Shinee. don't really want to venture anywhere else. This will be awesome for some people and for others maybe it will feel like betrayal haha. oh man i have ranks already. 1. Taemin forever and ever and ever. He is sooooo cute and just plain awesome. the rest just keep changing but right now it's 2. Key and Minho 3. Jonghyun 4. Onew it isn't that i don't like Onew he is really cool too but maybe just less cool than the others.They're all really funny too.
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haha onew |
Been watching hello baby constantly for the entire weekend and i think i finished it. i think. grace said it had 16 eps but didn't it end on ep 13 or so?? sorta forgot abt other shows like PLL and VD. can't be bothered really even though PPL sounds incredibly interesting. oh and sorry annie for trying to spoil it for you the other day. Still sorta wanna spoil it haha.
Moving on, it is december! and it is summer!! and the first day of summer sorta sucked. rain, rain and more rain but then it cleared up and it became really hot. weird weather. Anyways, i still haven't posted wishlist up on jarg'd and i don't plan to at the moment because of k-pop which is sucking the life out of everything that is not k-pop and especially shinee! Maybe i will put it up at the end of this coming week... maybe.
Fiona probanly doesn't even know my blog exists but "Fiona... how dare you leave so freaking early... you better bring back something awesome! haha jks... byeeee see you next year!"
ARRRRAGGGHHH i hate having freaking obsessions. they just take over my brain. it is incredibly annoying.
Counting down the days to Christmas.... need to buy prezzies but i can honestly say im kinda broke. hmm need to get lolita, evernight, b2st poster for kris kringle, cards & choc. who's getting VD and Merlin??? and we still need to ask what daphne and simran want??? DAPH PUT YOUR LIST UP!!!
Bananagrams wooot! yeah i have discovered that my friends are kinda pro at it. i think i may have started a bananagrams revolution at school... acutally maybe just in J.A.R.G'D. fun fun fun... taemin is running around my head like a crazed chook.
hmmmm... what else to say?? not much acutally... sorry for not posting lately.. sorry for probably not posting later on too.actually i might put up wishlist tomorrow or something... jarg'd is dying... oh and i might film everything on the last week of school and merge it all and post it up. something like that... video editing yay!
SHINEE SHINEE SHINEE!!! TAEMIN!!! omg taemin is such a freaking good dancer! ahhhh scream!
ok byeeeeeee,
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Actually the clip is kinda well er... weird but something in my brain told me to trash all that stuff and then i started to laugh uncontrollably. one of the comments that got like 117 thumbs up wrote: