Saturday, May 22, 2010

Great Ending to Dreary School Week.

Well this week i thought was pretty horrid considering the lack of sleep i was getting on Wednesday and Thursday morning due to the endless assignments I have been getting. Having Geography on these two days wasn't really a help at all because thats when i would feel the full effects of not enough sleep but I would survive it.

My highlight of the week would probably have to be on Friday during PE. I suppose there was no PE because of the rain but instead we spent the time learning off a new sub PE teacher. I'm just going to call him Mr M for now. I think he was some sort of student teacher actually and I also believe he was meant to teach us oz tag but the weather didn't approve so yeah. Mr M looks like the rugby type so i suppose something like oz tag would fit into his category. To be honest, during primary, i actually did enjoy oz tag but things are slightly different now because of the class im in. Soo many ridiculously sporty people.

Anyways, we played buzz off hairy legs but with only the buzz off which I found weird but that was how Mr M played it so yeah. Most of the words we were given were quite straight forward but some i didn't even know were words. Everytime someone was eliminated, there would be this huge "AWWWWWWWWWWW!" that would errupt from the class. I think after 5 minutes the class had already gone crazy. It was also funny when whoever won had to go to the bathroom immediately after. It became a pattern.

After heaps laughing, we moved onto some random chair game where someone stood in the middle and said something (eg. if you think Harry Potter is better than Twilight) and whoever thought so would have to switch chair with others. It was pretty frantic, the whole class running around like headless chickens. We also found out a lot about Mr M during this game. I think Cat said "If you watch Gossip Girl" and a pack of people raced around including Mr M. Gosh that was hilarious. We were like "are you serious?" and he was like" yeah. i watch gossip girl", "I like Serena" and everyone was like "oooooo". Then Cat and Mr M started discussing he latest episode of Gossip Girl. I cracked up soo many times.

I don't now how we got to it but Jackie and Georgia did a couple of weird things including performing a reanactment of Glee's lets get physical, admitting to still playing with barbies and even singing stalker to Mr M (maike being Jackie's ukelele). So many long hair flicks and weird army crawls. I think Mr M figured we were crazy, dramatic out of control class pretty soon. He had a couple of laughs himself. Damn Natasha who said "if you hate Justin Bieber" and half the class stood up, me obviously not included. There were also a couple of Buffy offenders and you could see the hurt on Cleo's face when it was metioned. haha.

So yeah. No PE becoz of rain. New sub teacher. Playing games that make us go crazy. Jackie and Georgia's awesome acts. Learning more about each other and Mr M. Probably going to have him next week for an actual PE lesson. Soo grateful for such an uplifting ending to a dreary school week. It was totally what I needed. How was your week?


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