This was the thing annie and I tried to explain to rach. um i might give rach the tumblr site soon. its prob going to be on the cbox. sorry for not posting for a really long time. i have just had quite a few assignments and lately i have been sleeping really late doing them. have a read of this. well since annie said i should, i have to mention that i think this was some sorta entry to a cathy cassidy book comp thingo that was somehow copied or something? i dunno. You should go ask annie. she should know everything i'm blabbing on about. I think it is pretty creative but i don't think i would ever try this on my mum. she would probably freak half way through and not read the end and then call the poilce. haha. tell me what you think. Sooo many draft posts it isn't funny.
Ps: Bear Grylls is in Australia I think. YAY!
Just randomly-- here's the ORIGINAL.
ReplyDeleteIt's by a girl called Kim Martin. She was aged twelve when she wrote it. She wrote it for a Cathy Cassidy competition... 'The Cool Letter Comp' or something like that.
(It is called...) School Report
Dear Jane,
I am writing to tell you that I have left home. I’ve gone to live with my girlfriend Christina. You wouldn’t approve. She’s 22 and she’s pregnant with my baby. We live on the side of the road in a caravan. We have wild parties every night until 2 in the morning. I’d invite you over but we have to keep on moving, as we don’t want the police to find us. No, you certainly wouldn’t approve.
Oh… I have left my school report on the desk.
Goodbye, for the last time.
Your ex-son, Joe
PS. None of the above is true. I’m at my mate Chris’s house.This just goes to show you, that there are much WORSE things than School reports! I’ll be back when you’ve calmed down
by Kim Martin, age 12