I LOVE REGINA SPEKTOR! SHE IS AMAZING! CHECK OUT HER SONGS - http://www.myspace.com/reginaspektor
randomness to the core. actually the randomness sort of moved on...
I LOVE REGINA SPEKTOR! SHE IS AMAZING! CHECK OUT HER SONGS - http://www.myspace.com/reginaspektor
Check this out. It's pretty cute but it would have been totally more awesome if she had rapped. I suppose through all the wall posters she likes a lot of other young artists too. She's sooo cute. The bottom vid is of Justin Bieber walking into a revolving door. It's funny when he spots the camera capturing the whole thing.
Athlectics Vid. Um... the whole "your mum" thing is kinda complex. We have to trace back to the week before, before you can understand why Joanne answered with "your mum". Luckily, Annie did answer with the right answer which was Moore. Yay! Moore doesn't usually win many races so Annie and I were pretty psyched about it. Then, Jo just randomly attacked Annie and thats what started a series of fight matches. I caught most of them on camera, including one I was involved in and now regret because annie bruised me. haha.
yeah. you might have already seen this 6th grader on youtube singing paparazzi but here is him being interviewed on Ellen. Everyone has been saying he's like the next Justin Bieber but i'm not so sure. He is amazing but i think he has a different style to Justin. I also must say he is pretty brave going out there and performing at such a young age. He's definitely the out there type with a fantastic voice and quite a bit of talent. He even has the hair flick. man, what is with that. I think he did great with the interview but yeah, i agree with lady gaga, he should keep a distance with girls if he does enter the music industry. um... he also puts a lot of soul into his singing and he doesn't sound so high pitched like bieber (haha). Pretty awesome overall but he still has far to go. I suppose youtube is now the one of the most easiest ways to get famous. Tell me what you think.
More to come,
This movie comes out on rental on the 19th of May. I really wanna watch it. It looks amazing!
Tell me what you think (comment on cbox),