Sunday, March 21, 2010

Soooo disconected.

Sorry abt that guys,
I was abt to go full on postathon on the weekend but out of the blue comes internet disconection. This is some way completely and utterly disastrous but in another way good for me. I have a feeling this was god's doing. I will explain in another post abt all the weird things that happened this week that i think involved God. Well yeah i had no way of entering anything that had internet yesterday so i was stuck with microsoft word and an icy tower download. It got really boring but this way i got my english assignment finished. I have a lot of assignments, speeches and tests this coming week. Gosh. High school really does push you.

I dont know but i have been wanting to write so many things lately on blogger. also been doing a lot of reading. im going to be reviewing a lot of book and movies soon. especially alice in wonderland which i was going to write yesterday but couldnt. so yeah a lot of catching up to do. Mmaybe not tomoz. Maybe in two days when some of my important tests are done and I can relax a little.

Well its been a crazy week for me. Hope you guys survived. Probably no videos for a while.

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