how cool is that!! i remember when i was little it was upstairs and i used to play with it. then it was moved to the garage and dad threw all the spare stuff in there so you couldnt see the floor anymore. recently he cleaned up the garage and if i do say so myself he is doing a really good job. 3/4 of the stuff is gone and i can run around there now. we found the record player and all the old records and dad put them on and it worked!! we listened to old music the whole night! in the garage. haha. yeah it was sooo cool!
Here are some pics:
if you dont know what a phonograph is, its what your parents would have had to listen to music when they were children or teenagers. sorta like a cd player or even more modern now an ipod. and you put these records(sorta like big cds) on this weird turn table thingo and you put this needle thing on it and turn the power on and it will spin and play music. The garge is a great place to have it since it is echoey it makes a great place to amplify the music.
i was imagining my garge as a dance club. with a rainbow tiled dancefloor. that would be extraordinary. and there would be a bar where you can
drink and stuff. and dance for like ever and ever.

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