New Moon
Well a couple of weeks ago, I went to see The Twilight Saga: New Moon at the movies with my friend 2 and my bestie (go check out her blog which has a posts about the new moon movie in it We were all really excited but first we had to get...... POPCORN! We got a gigantic bucket which overflowed with popcorn everytime we reached in to get some. Luckily we gobbled up a half of it during the commercials. I was wondering why the commercials were taking so long when I realised they had gone in half and hour into the movie time. Finally the movie started and eventually... ended. I have to say it was reallllly goooood. Much better than the Twilight Movie which in my opini
on sucked (no offence to twilight movie lovers).Jacob looked soo hot in the rain (with his top off) that i nearly squealed my head off. That in my opinion was my favourite part. Friend 1 in the end who is very emotional, admitted to crying in the part where the camera circles around Bella and months pass since Edward left her. Apparently, thats Friend 1's fav part. My bestie seems to like the part when Jacob takes his shirt off when Bella is bleeding. "Jake youre beautiful" and BAM!!!! abs much! teehee! So yea in the end it was good and the movie suceeded in converting me from team Edward to team JACOB!!!!!Glenny
like oh my god. i hate twilight, and you are obsessing over jacob. i mean, isn't jensen ackles way way wayyyyyy hotter? yes he is, it's just so true.
ReplyDeleteJensen Ackles is hotter, yes, but Mr. Blue Cactus is the hottest guy you'll ever meet. :P
ReplyDeletehaha have you sprayed Mr Blue Cactus with deodorant, don't dis Jacob he has awesome abs and thanx for commenting!
ReplyDeleteI've gotten you a present, Glenny. Anyway, I haven't sprayed Monsieur Bloo Kactus with deodorant YET.. But I'll get around to doing it someday. I accidentally left him at home :(
ReplyDeleteSorry I couldn't get you anything on your wishlist -- I couldn't find anything of the sort. But I found something really pretty in Mum and her gang of sisters' shop and yeah. I got one for Friend Z and Friend T :)
Omgsh i wanna know what it is tell me now! And also the next postathon will be soon so keep commenting and following my blog! Teehee!
ReplyDeleteThey're like these small but pretty place-mat things. Well your one has pretty flowers on it -- my aunt's artwork herself.. =='
ReplyDeleteI forgot which one was Annie's, though.
And anyway, you could...
1) Hang it up..
2) Use it as a cup placemat.. (Especially for the cups I have given you)
And yeah..
Oh hey Glenny! And hi Rachel and Joanne! Haha, Joanne is here... how amusing.
ReplyDeleteHem. Anyway.
Taylor Lautner taking his shirt off was hilarious! He did it so slowly... and deliberately... and it looked so damn funny. Sorry if I've offended any Jacob lovers here (hem hem, Gloriana), though.
And Joanne forgot what happened ot my place-mat thing. How nice.
Nah, kidding. I hope you're having fun, everyone who may read this comment.
And guess what! I'm commenting! Isn't that great? Glenny, I found out that I do have a Google account-- my gmail :) Yay! This is fun commenting! I think I'm going to go back and comment on everything else now... see ya :)
Oh, and strangely, my name comes up as 'Jenny'. Probably from my old fake identity.
ReplyDeleteWell, it's Annie anyway.
Oh hey! I'm back to Aza.vee! Nice! Well, that Jenny was me anyway. Oh. Maybe I'm commenting too much.
ReplyDeleteOh well. Have fun :)
Hi, poop. :)
ReplyDeleteHaving fun without me?
I have no idea who Joanne is directing that to... but I shall answer that nevertheless.
ReplyDeleteHaha! I AM having fun without you!
And I've randomly gotten adidicted to Tetris. And Harry Potter.
But Glenny's going to get annoyed if I talk about Harry and his many wonderful adventures, so I shall stop speaking about that.
I miss you Jo-man! (I think I just changed tack...) You're so funny!! Please come back!! My heart feels so... EMPTY without you by my side.
Please return, or I shall DIE.
When you write that, you end up sounding like a half-hypocrite. :\
ReplyDeleteTetris.. I suck at it. :(
I LOVE HARRY POTTER TOO! But my latest obsession is the world of motorbikes.
My bro can't speak Viet, so I'm laughing at him like crazy.
Where do I sound like half a hypocrite?
ReplyDeleteAnd how is somebody half a hypocrite?
And Tetris is awesome after you practise!
And motorbikes are fascinating... but Rose and Scorpius are even more so.
Hi everybody!
Hi Glenny!
Hi Joanne!
Omgsh peeps you commented sooooo much! I'm so happy. And yea joanne we miss you but seriously "placemats" (they better be good ones) Teehee! And also No worm and I have been like addicted to Tetris like madly addicted. We both made it up to level 10!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteYup, yup, yup, yup, yup! Level Ten! I'm so proud of myself, and I'm sure Glenny feels proud of herself also :)
ReplyDeleteAnd Glo-worm, get a c-box if possible! It'll be cool :)