Well as some of you must know, I quite like Flashforward (tv show). Ok, who am I kidding, I absolutely love it to bits! The show is about how almost everyone blacksout at the same time for i think it is 2 minutes and 17 seconds and stuff that happens afterwards. Friend 2 and I both like this one guy named Demetri (character name) in it. Even though he is not the world's most good looking guy... HE DIES, THROUGH MURDER! I LOVE PEOPLE WHO DIE IN TV SHOWS! Ok I guess that is just me but he dead people are always so interesting. teeehheeee! So yea last last nights episode was soo sad. I can't believe Demetri's wife mistook Demetri's funeral/memorial for theyre wedding! Sooooooooo sad. So yea I didnt understand another part of last last nights episode when the girl said she was super gay. Did she just mean she was gay, super gay as in she is scared of guys or something totally different? Just curious thats all.
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