Monday, September 27, 2010


Don't care that i didn't put spaces in between the words in the title coz i'm rebel like that. haha. anyways, here's the vid. It has heaps of flaws i know but oh well. Tell me what you think either comment or cbox it. Cboxing quicker. I think everyone is like ditching the comment way just coz it takes longer. Anyways, check out the group blog i write in for more info on the vid coz i want to like spread it between the two blog sites. You can find the link to the group site well down. further down. further further down. Just go down until you see group blog on the side.

Hope you like it,

Saturday, September 25, 2010

More Charlie

Ukuleles are soooo cool! That reminds me. I found one of dad's old guitars in the garage like yesterday and i brought it out of its case and went up to my room and started strumming randomly. Then dad walked in probably here the horrendous racket and i swear his eyes like doubled in size (ok maybe a little exaggerated). He then came over and stared at the guitar until i handed it over. He then started playing on it while telling me all the random stuff about how taking up the guitar was great and if i wanted to get lessons i could and i'm all like "um... dad i was just like... playing with it" but i don't think he cared. He just kept playing this oldish saddish song that had a pretty simple melody. He was pretty ok actually.

He taught me to play like the basic notes and i practiced them once before he left. I think i have the hang of those notes now. Oh and the guitar was old so it wasn't quite on the notes perfectly but yeah a guitar is a guitar. Did you know you feel really pro when you have it on your lap and you strum something awesome even though it was by accident well yeah. Not much of musician... just playing around with it today.

Well afterwards, dad came back and send i could keep it and he handed it over like it was sword with a beam of light shining down on it. haha. Anyways, it now stand next to my desk in its dusty black case. It is pretty nice. I love it. Maybe one day dad can teach me that song he was playing until then i am just going to have to stick with the first couple of notes to smoke on the water which jo taught me.

Goodbye... have a great holiday!
Oh and i totally forgot. Watch the vid. charlie is in it (duh) and he is playing an awesome song he wrote called exterminate regenerate which is also in my newly arranged playlist. have a listen to that too.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Well what i have been raving about (at school)

FREAK YEAH! another obsession. which isn't actually suprising coz i haven't had one in a while. Well yeah this guy is Charlie McDonnell and well not much else to say but... HE IS SOOOOO FREAKING COOL!!!!! Only found him like recently and i was going to post abt this last week but yeah got caught up with hw.
Glo: damn you Glenny! stop making up so many excuses and NO you weren't doing hw, you were totally watching hours of footage of this random cutie named Charlie.
Glenny: Well sooooorrryy. I couldn't help but procrastinate. Seriously Charlie is like a freaking chedder flavoured shapes biscuit. Once you have one you can't stop. And anyways... who can say no to such awesome hair.
Glo: well i suppose his hair is kinda nice. it was also nice before but now that is red well.... OMG HE'S HOT!
Glenny: haha now you know how i feel.
Glo: yeah... can we please watch some more, pppplllllleeeeeeaaaaaaaaassssseeeeee.
Glenny: very well then.
I just had a convo with myself. How very interesting. Anyways, he dyed his hair and it gave me an urge to dye mine. And i'm serious abt this. Sarah gave me copperish brownish reddish omg i have no idea what colour it is but she gave me permanent hair dye. And it sits right now on my dresser. I seriously want to dye but i'm a total pussy and yeah probably won't bring myself to do it... for now. I asked Eileen and she said "yeah go for it!" and im like" are you freaking serious" and she's like "YEAH!" so yeah. wow i feel like i'm saying yeah a lot even though i probably only said it like twice. Anyways, the one up there is one of his vids.

Glo: well duh. it wouldn't be like a kevjumba vid would it. hurry up and get a move on i wanna go watch more... NOW!
Glenny: ok ok i'm getting on with it just give me a sec.
Another weird self convo.
The vid up there is incredibly funny. I found. but sometimes what i find incredibly funny you don't. eg. the inception cat. I cracked my head open that's how funny i thought it was. my head split open. jks. but apparently annie and rach were like errrrrrr. it's just a cat.
Yeah... um have to say this guy ticks all the boxes. he is also musically talented and british. WOOOHOOOO!
g2g (rach won't like that and neither will annie)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Owl City

Think I still like fireflies better but not a bad song either. It's a track for the guardians of gahoole movie. If you haven't read the first book of the first series i recommend you do. Even though i read it like years ago i still remembered having loved it. It was sooo sad. It's called the capture and it is amazing. Unfortunately i haven't read the rest of the series. Anyways, hope you're having a great weekend. It sure was a lovely day today and yeah. Oh and a huge HAPPPPPYYYYY BBIIIRRRRTTTHHHDAY TO YANG AND DAPHNE!!


Monday, September 13, 2010

MARCEL THE SHELL WITH SHOES ON from Dean Fleischer-Camp on Vimeo.
Soo cute. Guess what i use as a bean bag. A raisin haha.

More Pendulum

I know i already put this song up. The extended version too but this is like the vid for the island part 1 by pendulum. I sorta don't understand why they split the song into 2 parts. Maybe the second part was too techno to feature in the first and stuff so they separated it.

Anyways i know it's a lot of people's b'days comng up so yeah happy birthday to those ppl.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Elevator that's what i'm going to call it

Don't know why I found this sooo damn funny. It was pretty epic though. I should check ray william johnson to see if he is putting this on. I'm pretty sure he will.I reckon if it wasn't for the music it would be a pretty normal video.

Anyways hope it makes you laugh,

For the first time.

I couldn't not put this up. It's a new song by the script one of favourite bands. Told you i was into all the stuff i used to love. Great song. I think all the script songs are amazing. Check it out.

Friday, September 3, 2010


It actually is pretty catchy. i got a pocket full of a pocket full sunshine. Just makes me wanna watch it more.

Easy A

Haha. I actually do wanna wtach this. Cmon Penn Badgley is hot!


Finally found somrthing

Ok i have been wanting to post it is just that i haven't been able to find anything good enough videos to put up. I'm not sure if you would find this funny but at least its something.

If you want to read my actualy writing posts just have a look at my group blog
