Saturday, May 21, 2011

been tumblring for more than 2 hours

and bored
so decided to blog
considering i haven't done so in a while
in the middle of exams still
we are watching a french movie
and it is awesome
and i like the guy who is in it
who at the time was around my age but is now 20 or so :(
still he is awesome
been tumblring a lot lately
because once i log on i can't get off
i follow way too many people and my dashboard is soo bombarded.
Every two seconds literally something new pops up
so yes.
b2st's album is awesome
fiction is amazing and sooo freaking addictive
as well as back to you and many other songs
mum has been giving me tonnes of her old clothes which may sound daggy
but in fact is incredibly awesome because some of the clothes are like well
incredibly awesome
found a nice jacket thingo which is really warm and the sleeve ends are really nice
and the colour reminds me of milk tea.
have a couple of nice blazers as well.
should really show you the size of my shoe collection.
hehe rather impressive
yet i still long for more
can never get enough shoes
my hair is getting long
like really long
like even in exams for a brief second i think about how long my hair is
coz it's in my face half the time
i don't really want to cut it yet though
omg rachel's hair colour is so freaking awesome
i can always dream at least
i want to like have like piggy tails and then curl the end.
reminds me of a pic with goo hara doing the same :)
tired tired and procrastinating when i seriously should be studying
should have started like 3 hours ago.
my hair smells good
and playing guitar is fun
even though all i do is play the same chords over and over again
hope your having a more exciting weekend,

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