Monday, September 20, 2010

Well what i have been raving about (at school)

FREAK YEAH! another obsession. which isn't actually suprising coz i haven't had one in a while. Well yeah this guy is Charlie McDonnell and well not much else to say but... HE IS SOOOOO FREAKING COOL!!!!! Only found him like recently and i was going to post abt this last week but yeah got caught up with hw.
Glo: damn you Glenny! stop making up so many excuses and NO you weren't doing hw, you were totally watching hours of footage of this random cutie named Charlie.
Glenny: Well sooooorrryy. I couldn't help but procrastinate. Seriously Charlie is like a freaking chedder flavoured shapes biscuit. Once you have one you can't stop. And anyways... who can say no to such awesome hair.
Glo: well i suppose his hair is kinda nice. it was also nice before but now that is red well.... OMG HE'S HOT!
Glenny: haha now you know how i feel.
Glo: yeah... can we please watch some more, pppplllllleeeeeeaaaaaaaaassssseeeeee.
Glenny: very well then.
I just had a convo with myself. How very interesting. Anyways, he dyed his hair and it gave me an urge to dye mine. And i'm serious abt this. Sarah gave me copperish brownish reddish omg i have no idea what colour it is but she gave me permanent hair dye. And it sits right now on my dresser. I seriously want to dye but i'm a total pussy and yeah probably won't bring myself to do it... for now. I asked Eileen and she said "yeah go for it!" and im like" are you freaking serious" and she's like "YEAH!" so yeah. wow i feel like i'm saying yeah a lot even though i probably only said it like twice. Anyways, the one up there is one of his vids.

Glo: well duh. it wouldn't be like a kevjumba vid would it. hurry up and get a move on i wanna go watch more... NOW!
Glenny: ok ok i'm getting on with it just give me a sec.
Another weird self convo.
The vid up there is incredibly funny. I found. but sometimes what i find incredibly funny you don't. eg. the inception cat. I cracked my head open that's how funny i thought it was. my head split open. jks. but apparently annie and rach were like errrrrrr. it's just a cat.
Yeah... um have to say this guy ticks all the boxes. he is also musically talented and british. WOOOHOOOO!
g2g (rach won't like that and neither will annie)

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