Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Yay camera and other news

I got my camera 2 days ago after a long, hard wait for it over the holidays and i must say it is AWESOME! yeah i have been fiddling with it and taking way too many photos but in the end I just delete them. It's a Nikon coolpix L22. You might have seen it in catalogues as well. 12 megapixels! A save from using my phone and its got a pretty big screen. I brought it to school today which i'm probably not going to do ever again and I took soooo many photos. Mainly of Jo and Annie just being their silly selves. So many failed attempts of getting a photo of Rach.

I'm still wondering if I should put pics up on my blog. Maybe I will do another poll. i dunno. why not? I have annie and jo's permission for it to go up so yeah.

Other News

  • I cut my hair. Gosh i hate the hairdressers. I pretty much scared of everyone. It's shorter than I imagined but its ok. A little longer than shoulder length i suppose. Layered as well. Annie said it curled up at the ends. So yeah. Hairdresser dude was nice. Quick and over and done with. Just what i wanted.

  • I'm not sure about this yet but i got a text from my cousin saying she is getting me How I Met Your Mother. Not just one season, not just two but ALL FIVE!!!!!. yeah i freaked. I didn't believe her. It was way too good to be true. But still. Don't know if I will have time to watch it all. Oh well. YAY!

  • I'm going on science excursion to Canberra on thursday which is good coz i get to miss out on more school. I come back the next day and im probably going to bring my camera so i shud be able to post pics up of it. But last time i went to canberra it kinda sucked but since my friends and i will all be in the same cabin, i suppose fun will be all i going to have. This also means that I won't be blogging for those two days. But don't worry. I will be blogging double on Sat.

  • Shout out to Angie even though I will see her tomorrow. She is going to America for 3 weeks i think. Damn. Train rides aren't going to be the same without you.
I'm going to be posting a few more posts. One i think on Date Night coz me and annie went to see it and it was pretty good and a few others i was meant to post a while ago. Sorry guys.

Great...back to school,

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