Today on the train back home we got to a station when one guy on the train went to the door. the doors were closing and he stuck his foot out in between the doors and then the doors opened again. he repeated this action another 10 times literally. And on the ninth time he got the train to wait for his friends as they clambered on. he did the tenth for fun. what a ..... (insult). but it was funny to watch. he did it right in front of us. later the train guard spoke over the speaker warning him to stop doing it. what an idiot. I think thats why my friends say stuff like im paranoid of guys. maybe i think theyre total jerks (some) idiots like the guy on the train and all his freaking ugly friends. Yeah thats probably why. we also saw the same guy before doing something else totally stupid on the train. he graffitied the walls of the train. beep him. i remember him doing it twice. and laughing about it with his friend. what jerks. i imagine him getting arrested one day. yeah total criminal. or maybe im just overreacting. i think im just in an insult type of mood. just insulting everyone. i also rememberd we had dramatic day today. what an epic fail. it is harder than it sounds. i think eveyrone was just tired so it was hard to be dramatic and loud. so here is my dramatic insult to end this post.
GO DIE IN A HOLE! dont actually.
have a nice day instead,
ps: im not usually this insultive (if it is a word)
LOL! Could you please explain what does it mean "beep head"?