Saturday, June 16, 2012

Point A displacement = 0

i sort of felt like closing down my blog today, but i kind of like the new layout. it screams out to me... saying don't leave me. i don't know anymore. i feel it is a waste though if i barely post anything and i sort of have a solidish rountine on tumblr. dear dear tumblr. the writing is tiny though.. on tumblr i mean. this is a much better writing environment considering the layout now looks like the word app! how anyways, i guess i don't have the heart to abandon this land of.. er glennys'. you know it was weird the other day when someone called me glenny. literally. it was like a good weird though. a breath of fresh air after so much glo-wyness. need a bit more glenny in my life. brings me back to the old days... to self: stop thinking like an old man. i think my need for categorizing is taking over. if i am to keep this blog, it needs to have a purpose and what might that purpose be??? i really really like this layout. i think it's the only thing stopping me from well yeah. mental turmoil. i could move my "not so daily"entries here but i don't know if that's a good decision. or i could post stories... or i could leave it be and come back occasionally to write a post that most probably would involve this kind of decision making. it's not like this hasn't happened before... i still ended coming back but leaving again. in a way, tumblr is hubby... blogger is this childhood friend i talk to every 5 months or so to catch up and have coffee, who is now looking rather fine. went full circle, back to the same no resolution point A.


Sunday, March 4, 2012

pressure is mounting

hw overload at the moment.... :(
losing precious sleep time...... :(
the pressure is definitely mounting......
yet i'm still able to post..... :)
a bombardment of events is lurking....
hope i don't go under.

hehehehehe it's 1:08am and i haven't had a shower....
that technically means i didn't have one yesterday.
oh well...

Sunday, February 26, 2012

to my future self.

hey glo,
you really suck at posting often or even posting at all...
oh well.

i feel imposed to end this post the way i end almost every post so...