ok only recently after a series of things that led to one another i found good news week, a show i probably overlooked for way too long. gosh it is soo funny. almost as good as himym which is legendary. hmmm. well it all started when i watched the early christmas special of tayg and i went and looked up josh thomas for the 60 0000000th time on youtube and up came tayg stuff and one vid on gnw. looked and now i'm obsessed. not really. just really needing something that will make me crack up or laugh so hard i can't breathe. best part of gnw is definitely "so you think you can mime" omg this one is particularly funny. beacon? pardon? beacon? anyways, also came across the umbilical brothers which i recognised from the upside down show which was incredibly entertaining and they did the segment and it was brilliant so here are some of my favourite "so you think you can mime" segments on gnw. also warning you that some of these vids are really long but i reckon they're all worth it stick to the end. the ends are usually the funniest. and then some random but awesome umbilical brothers' skits.... actually maybe i will save them for later. feels like i'm overloading everyone with a tonne of vids. anyways, urgh it is sooooo freaking hot. laser tag tomorrow i think... yayayay. now back to laughing my head off.
bananagrams... the light that fills the room,